
rich richard.romeo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 10:09:18 CST 2012

yes, very twisted stuff that. with you I'm not sure I'm itching to read
about the Wizard of Oz Auschwitz--like those hardcore italian porn flicks
about the SS popular in the 70s (a certain Mr. Weissman would've loved 'em)

bailed on new maasive biography of Himmler--the book is bursting with the
machinations of a bland and pedantic  corporate exec and bureaucrat--the
man was as dull as his crimes were distinctive.


On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 8:11 PM, Michael Bailey <
michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dave linked to:
> >
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/4196822/If-Hitler-had-won-World-War-Two.html
> >
> Thanks, Dave.  Interesting article, and anything by Michael Moorcock
> is good, imho.
> I didn't know about that Lord Horror comic, nor that British prison
> called Strangeways.  The original publisher's website has details on
> the obscenity prosecution here
> http://www.savoy.abel.co.uk/HTML/nstat.html
> it's interesting that the case didn't culminate in a resounding
> rejection of the philosophy of censorship such as we've seen in the
> USA, and in fact the law stands unaltered and ready to be abused
> again...
> that said, Lord Horror looks like kind of a nasty piece of work and
> I'm not at all inclined to seek it out...
> (having said that, it's probably destined that I will eventually anyway)
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