NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes mainstream

rich richard.romeo at
Tue Jan 17 10:08:23 CST 2012

who can predict in today's climate where the areas of operations between
domestic and foreign intelligence agencies (inter and intra) are demarcated

the in-fighting, jealousy and boundary disputes must be enormous


On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at>wrote:

>  On 1/15/2012 4:04 PM, Mark Kohut wrote:
>  Thanks for this....did not know....
> You don't mean MI5, though..?
> It was my understanding that MI5 is domestic, engaged among other things
> in catching spies in the home country, like the American FBI.  Le Carre had
> worked for the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), which RAN spies and had
> to deal with the possibility of double agents and moles, which is what
> Tinker, Taylor . . . involves.  Like the American CIA.
> I could be wrong of course.
> P
>   *From:* Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at> <mackin.paul at>
> *To:* Mark Kohut <markekohut at> <markekohut at>;
> pynchon-l at
> *Sent:* Sunday, January 15, 2012 10:46 AM
> *Subject:* Re: NP except circuitously; a metaphor branches; goes
> mainstream
> Circus is another word for what in the U.S. is often called a traffic
> circle.  Le Carre's Circus is named for Cambridge Circus in Central
> London, fictional location of MI6.
> P
> On 1/15/2012 8:46 AM, Mark Kohut wrote:
> > LeCarre's name for the Intelligence Agency behind it all is "The
> Circus". Pynchon, others,
> > use the concept to describe the crazy acrobatics and performances of
> (certain)
> > social realities. [ I cannot offhand remember an exact use of circus in
> GR or ATD,
> > and am not going to check but I do remember Carnivale, an inexact
> analogue is
> > in AtD.] In Confidence Men, Ron Suskind uses it to describe the 2008
> campaign, "What
> > amazed Obama was how big the whole circus had become, and how fast."
> [sic].
> >
> > I find in an article on Apple, 'the retail circus" .
> >
> > Below is the NYTimes today:
> > "Foreclosure Auctions Show Raw Form of Capitalism
> > 16 hours ago ... Foreclosure auctions have grown into a scruffy
> > economic circus where bargain hunters from around the world have
> > scooped up houses often sold ...
> > January 15, 2012 - By KEN BELSON - U.S."
> >
> > And, to stick the landing, I ran the word 'circus' through Google
> Trends--
> > a mapping of use and voila (and interesting, imho)
> >
> >
> > Send in the clowns.
> >
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