(np) once you get past Jackie Gleason barfing...
Technopaegnion Tapinosis
technopaegniontapinosis at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 07:42:52 CST 2012
In that first chapter or prologue, the narrative voice is New York's voice,
one that speaks, as Bryant says of Nature in Thanatopsis, to Him who takes
communion with the visible forms of the City, as Whitman, as Melville, as
Irving, as even Pynchon & Zinn. Yes, the final paragraph of that prologue,
when one tuns to Zinn p.446, Walker's "For My People," and the cullid girls
go: "This is the people's history and it has flesh...(Underworld p.60).
Now if that don't convince you that James Joyce is Hamlet's
father...well...if Bloom is right and Hamlet is his own father and ...we
contrast this with....
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