More Misc. NP, but everything connects

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Mon Jan 30 20:25:30 CST 2012

Another Cornell writer, the late A. R. "Archie" Ammons, has a longish poem
called Grace Abounding--[that word again and this time a direct Bunyan allusion]--
in which the poet finds an image in nature---a sonwo-covered frozen hedge--that
he thinks matches his internal state and, in a modernist selfconscious way, he
also argues that only nature has such 'religious' experiences of grace yet there
are many, many of them--its almost infinite variety----which might be another
way of calling things as they are, grace........
And th eguy who wrote the new book The Operators has refined the phrase
'military-industrial complex' to be the 'military-industrial-media complex as 
he tells of how sophisticated is the military's strategic placement of leaks
and disinformation to effect THEIR agenda...........
THEY boxed Obama in on one occasion and he lost it at them. In private.
TRP was there with the refined meaning way back.................

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