Ecoing Verne

Madeleine Maudlin madeleinemaudlin at
Mon Jun 4 09:21:33 CDT 2012

It was something about hollow moons, iron inner cores reminded me...

Foucault's Pendulum, 448 (switching to Garamond font):

"My God, now that I think of it, all of Verne is an occult revelation of
the mysteries of the underground! The voyage to the center of the earth,
twenty thousand leagues under the sea, the caverns of the Mysterious
Island, the immense underground realm of the Black Indies! If we draw a
diagram of his extraordinary travels, we should be sure to obtain, finally,
a sketch of the coils of the Serpent, a chart of the leys drawn for each
continent. Verne explores the network of the telluric currents from above
and below."

I collaborated. "What's the name of the hero of the Black Indies? John
Garral. Close to Grail."

"We're not ivory-tower eggheads; we're men with our feet on the ground.
Verne gives more explicit signals. Robur le Conquerant, R.C., Rosy Cross.
And Robur read backward is Rubor, the red of the rose."
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