Mysteries of modern life
Bled Welder
bledwelder at
Mon Mar 5 11:29:35 CST 2012
Not the exact lyrics I thought but close, making contact between the useless-entire Obama--oh no wait--the pure evilism, the utter evility of Santorum, or as I'll re-pen him now, the Sanitarium, and Pynchon, via your lyrics below and the Beach Boys (yes via SW):
> Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 06:45:00 -0500
> Subject: Re: Mysteries of modern life
> From: joeallonby at
> To: brook7 at
> CC: pynchon-l at
> He may be just a true believer in his own twisted fears, reinforced by
> his wife's experiences. The presence of his disabled child adds some
> weight to his anti-abortion sentiments. He seems like another guy
> driven more by his gut than logic.
> I think fear is the driving motivation of the teabaggers and Christian
> rightists. They think that their way of life is in danger of dying
> out. They're right. Their current political activism is the death
> throe of a moribund culture. Their enemy is not the "elitists". It is
> the urban rank and file who are used to diversity and the youth who
> have grown up with it. They are nostalgic for a golden age that never
> really existed. The true elitists of the Republican Party attempted to
> exploit this and it has backfired. The lunatics have taken over the
> asylum.
> This shall pass. Death wins in the end. Then someone will manufacture
> a new enemy to fear. It won't be communism, or blacks, or immigrants,
> or Islamofascists, or atheists. But there will always be Eurasia or
> Eastasia somewhere.
> On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:
> >>> they(the Santorums) found themselves joined up with the Ubers, a group Gary Will says are not Catholics but Papists, who
> >>> seemingly get their marching orders direct from Rome.
> > In 2010 the pope after meeting with vatican scientists said that Anthropogenic global warming is real and poses a threat to life on earth and called on all catholics to act to reduce carbon. I found this info out of curiosity after Santorum essentially said Obama promoted phony theology through his assent to global warming. How does that add up. Is Santorum really so sincere in his reverence for the role of his faith? Pope preaches phony theology? And how deep can the theological pull of the religion most widely known in the last 3 decades for child molesting be? And weren't a lot of church leaders fairly committed Hitler fans? Prolly had to say dozens of Hail Marys and Our Fathers after that.
> >
> > But my gut says Joe is right. The guy is a true believer, whatever that means. Maybe it just means always having someone to fear and hate as though they were the anti-christ, a framing of reality which probably seems pretty real after an affair with the abortionist who also caught you coming out of your mothers vagina. If you wrote this in a novel about a Republican Catholic presidential candidate, people would think it was an over the top anti-faith, anti-conservative hatchet job. Well if there is a God, he writes some pretty weird shit.
> >
> > It is as though these guys real job is to make Obama look sensible and middle of the road as he steers us into another bloody massacre over imaginary WMDs and eviscerates what remains of the Bill of Rights. Is it fascism yet?
> >
> > If I was President
> > And the Congress call my name
> > I'd say "who do ...
> > Who do you think you're fooling?"
> > I've got the Presidential Seal
> > I'm up on the Presidential Podium
> > My mama loves me
> > She loves me
> > She gets down on her knees and hugs me
> > And she loves me like a rock
> > She rocks me like the rock of ages
> > And she loves me
> > She loves me, loves me, loves me, loves me
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mar 4, 2012, at 8:17 PM, Joe Allonby wrote:
> >
> >> I think Santorum is a rarity in that he is a true believer. Bachmann
> >> too. Most of right wing guys are disingenuous. They know that their
> >> rhetoric is tautology. Lower taxes don't produce prosperity.
> >> Government spending actually creates jobs. Reaganomics was a disaster.
> >> This country wasn't founded by Christian zealots. There is no danger
> >> of Sharia law. Obama wasn't born in Kenya. They just play the
> >> Straussian game.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> The p-list isn't big on electoral politics but one thing I'm always
> >>> wondering about is where extreme right wing Republican would-be-candidates
> >>> can possibly be coming from.
> >>>
> >>> One answer came in a fascinating front page story in this morning's Times.
> >>> How many times do you run across a woman who (in later life) had a seven
> >>> year affair with the obstetrician who delivered her, that doctor also being
> >>> a prominent Pittsburgh abortion provider. Well, Karen Santorum did, and only
> >>> gave up that love after meeting Rick Santorum--the rest being history.
> >>> Rather miraculously she returned to her estranged family and their ancestral
> >>> Catholic faith, and Rick experienced a big bolster to his lukewarm faith as
> >>> well. And after not too much soul searching they found themselves joined up
> >>> with the Ubers, a group Gary Will says are not Catholics but Papists, who
> >>> seemingly get their marching orders direct from Rome. There's no shortage of
> >>> such types around Washington, most famously an enclave of them in the
> >>> upscale suburb of Great Falls, Virginia. They attend St. Catherine of Sienna
> >>> Catholic Church where they can hear Mass in Latin. They send their kids to
> >>> Opus Dei Schools, etc. etc. Justice Scalia is prominent among them.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Strange and seemingly true. but can it possibly explain anything?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> P
> >
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