GR 156-170, colors, compounds

Bled Welder bledwelder at
Fri Mar 9 18:22:07 CST 2012

It's funny, you know.  I opened up Gravity first time in a couple weeks today.  I was on around page 156 of the Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition 2006, and I know this because every time I open this extraordinary edition more the 40 degrees the binding on the left side pops out entire, so I was actually on page 147, which is the first page when I opened the front cover, then I flipped ahead a little.
I moved to the section start at 156.  Something's going on, something's going on, "AN ARMY OF LOVERS CAN BE BEATEN" okay check, got it, carrying on now, various pornographies, "approaching zero, eternally approaching, the slices of times growing thinner and thinner, a succession of rooms...", proletarian husband, film fantasy, small factories, memory, energy, abstractions, rocket, light, polymer theory, Professor Jamf, twenty kilograms of thrust, conditioning to despair, fetid back-court existence, "Lenin", wings, jew, Leftist, Jewish, middle-class reflexes, anti-Semitic street refrain, Gotterdammerung mentality again, Chemical Instrumentality of the Abnormal, mention of a cancer, they haven't told me, What did Caesar really whisper, the official lie...says exactly nothing, "The moment of assassination is the moment when power and the ignorance of power come together...", "What passes is a truth so terrible that history--at best a conspiracy, not always among gentlemen, to defraud...", "...believe.  It might almost--if one were paranid enough--seem to be a collaboration here, between both sides of the Wall, matter and spirit.  What is  it they know that the powerless do not?  What terrible structure behind the appearances of diversity and enterprise?..."
Then come color and compounds:
""I'm listening, Herr Rathenau,"..."""Tyrian purple, alizarin and indigo, other coal-tar dyes are here, but the important one is mauve...", "He is the expert on cyclized benzylisoquinilines...", "This is the sign of revealing. Of unfolding.  This is one meaning of mauve..."
First, revealing and unfolding is what happens with Being when it is thought, according to Heidegger.
Then I remembered that half of my fictional work is about a chemist who is searching for a compound that cures blindness, which he discovers in a dimethyltryptamine-methampehetamine he creates and to which he becomes over the course of testing hopelessly addicted to and he goes through the much of the novel blindfolded and continually smoking the violet crystals in his pipe.  He has transcended paranoia yet is somewhat susceptible to other people being paranoid--that he's paranoid about.  Anyway one effect of the drug is that it causes him to see, either blindfolded or not, everything in shades of violet and white, though mainly a crystal, or methyl, violet.
I didn't even know what mauve was until today, or that it had anything to do with Being!  That's just terrific--

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