Trayvon Williams tragedy(not)

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sat Mar 24 21:28:21 CDT 2012

 Bled Welder wrote:
> higher dimensions I see
> and enter in absolute darkness (what idiot would actually do that, I ask
> you)

John Lilley, for one

ketamine in an isolation tank, brother!  which I read with great
interest, but have found words more psychedelic (ie Leary and Lilly
and them, sure McKenna usw, directly on the psychedelic experience,
supposedly you can drink the pee of one who took mushrooms and get the
experience, up to a couple or more generations of urine (which is
covered in AtD I think), and that is sort of like the tapers who taped
Dead shows and traded tapes and tapes of the tapes -- similar perhaps
is reading the words of one who once...) and after many many many
attempts to feel a certain way (ie - good) by drinking, found that
physical exercise actually gives that feeling...

> allowed you to fondly reminiscence about around the camp fire as a lad.

that wasn't the camp fire, that was Bob's living room with his svelte
blonde wife and some other people from the jazz ensemble back in the
70s -- campfire, sheesh, now there were some other campfire talks and
an epic arm wrestle with Captain Raunch (a one-off nickname for that
trip, he doesn't go by that moniker anymore, afaik) on the picnic
table with big cigars in our mouths, I putting up a valiant effort but
gradually losing...

my facebook search must be impaired or something

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