Re: René Girard’s Deceit, Desire, and the Novel

Madeleine Maudlin madeleinemaudlin at
Wed May 23 10:10:08 CDT 2012

That's so true though, isn't it.  Oh he was Christian?  Thanks for the
tip--next.  I'm glad though that now I know the name and a little something
about him.  Plenty!

Lots of official, paradigmatic amateurs out there making great strides in
the sciences.  None of them are Christians.  A lot of people not even
amateurs within the paradigm.  Fully outside the paradigm.  Great leaps!
 They're not Christians.

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 6:35 PM, alice wellintown <alicewellintown at
> wrote:

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