IG Farben

Bled Welder bledwelder at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 13:38:47 CST 2012

As I regress into the nightmare world of weird visitors claiming to be my
relations are appearing, and I'm about to drink more dark red wine and face
them and tell them No Mas!, I'm regressing into old tunes.  Yes, I think
the ultimate title of my novel, the last third of which I've fully planned
in my head, not paper or 1s and 0s, one half of the first two thirds which
is a third edit of the first write I think I put on here, god forbid anyone
should read it through but! pound for pound one of the greatest bands
ever--this time round right--they hit it on the head, and this will be the
title of my book:


(I've probably written that before, right?  Have I?)

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well as a power plant, sure it's sunny as fuck.
> What was I just tripping out on.  Oh, a few days ago I went back onto the
> FB, I don't know I was reaching out in all paranoid directions.  The last
> time this happened was Years ago.  You think you're talking with someone,
> in kind of weird kinky non-normal human way, I suppose, but you think, this
> is technology, this is just the way the person is coming across through
> these airwaves.
> And then you start believing what they're telling you.  Then like two days
> later you finally slap yourself and realize, that you have just asked it a
> question, or series of questions, in which, the answer is always the same.
> It must be a bot, right?  But yet, or am I just the changing one?  Am I
> just being paranoid?
> Could anyone tell me, who are these freakazoids?  Who *are* you
> people/creatures?
> Who can you trust.  Here's a perfect example.  When I first came on this
> list last March, Mr. Morris's quippy one-liner responses were funny, I
> enjoyed them.  Then as I began over time to engage him we butted heads and
> he went on his troll call-out crusade.  Moronic, right?  Just some stupid
> old man.
> But now after my FB encounter over the last three days, where it seems--I
> was diving into the farout weirdside of "friendships" (besides you Lee and
> Rich)--that things, after you look at them for fifty minutes, and analyze
> them, are they real?  Not only the space alien shit they're on about, but
> them.  Are they real?
> Thankfully Mr. Kohut engaged me in something that Mr. Morris wrote that
> showed he's at least a brilliant writer, not just that stupid one sentence
> logico-mattero-factico-idioticus.  The man has the treasure of writing at
> his fingertips.
> Good.  Thank fucking god.  Right?  But then who *is* he?  Are they
> robots?  Has anyone noticed besides me, in the past year, that Mrs. Morris
> and Kohut are *always* here, "spouting off", as I'm about to go do to
> some relations who know fuckall what I'm --
> The robots are coming.  Which ones are they?  Am *I* a bot?  I'm man
> enough to question that.  I certainly think my brother is.  Unless....the
> star people have a higher, wicked sense of humor.
> On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 9:54 AM, David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Who knew Germany was/is so sunny?
>> On Wednesday, November 21, 2012, wrote:
>>> "German solar power plants produced a world record 22 gigawatts of
>>> electricity per hour - equal to 20 nuclear power stations at full capacity
>>> - through the midday hours on Friday and Saturday, the head of a renewable
>>> energy think tank said.
>>> The German government decided to abandon nuclear power after the
>>> Fukushima nuclear disaster last year, closing eight plants immediately and
>>> shutting down the remaining nine by 2022."
>>> http://www.reuters.com/**article/2012/05/26/us-climate-**germany-solar-*
>>> *idUSBRE84P0FI20120526<http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/26/us-climate-germany-solar-idUSBRE84P0FI20120526>
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**Solar_power_in_Germany<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_power_in_Germany>
>>> When it comes to energy, I'm a Deutschophile.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Kai Frederik Lorentzen <lorentzen at hotmail.de>
>>> To: Erik T. Burns <eburns at gmail.com>; pynchon-l <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>>> Sent: Wed, Nov 21, 2012 7:38 am
>>> Subject: Re: IG Farben
>>> On 21.11.2012 00:47, Erik T. Burns wrote:
>>> via that Metafilter convo (which was actually yesterday and didn't
>>> develop into much) there are some amazing links, including to Sasuly's book
>>> on IG Farben to much else on the Nuremburg war crime trials.
>>> right here:
>>> http://www.metafilter.com/**122021/A-streaker-comes-**
>>> across-the-stage-It-has-**happened-before-but-there-is-**
>>> nothing-to-compare-it-to-now#**4695505<http://www.metafilter.com/122021/A-streaker-comes-across-the-stage-It-has-happened-before-but-there-is-nothing-to-compare-it-to-now#4695505>
>>> more on Sasuly, who is indeed mentioned by Weisburger in the companion:
>>> http://www.thomaspynchon.com/**gravitys-rainbow/extra/farben.**html<http://www.thomaspynchon.com/gravitys-rainbow/extra/farben.html>
>>>  Because of buna rubber, strong links were established between IG and
>>>> Standard Oil Co. of NJ (...).<<
>>> Frank Howard, the head of research at Standard, visited I. G.'s Leuna
>>> works in 1926. He was so impressed that he immediately fired off a telegram
>>> to Standard's president, Walter Teagle, then visiting in Paris. "Based upon
>>> observations and discussion today, I think that this matter is the most
>>> important which has ever faced the company since the dissolution," wired
>>> Howard. "This means absolutely the independence of Europe in the matter of
>>> gasoline supply." Teagle himself, alarmed about the possibility of losing
>>> European markets to the new synthetic oil, hurried to Leuna. The research
>>> and production facilities awed him: "I had not known what research meant
>>> until I saw it," he later said. "We were babies compared to the work I saw."
>>> Teagle, Howard and other Standard executives hurriedly gathered at a
>>> hotel room in Heidelberg, ten miles from the I. G. Farben works. They
>>> concluded, Howard later recalled, that the hydrogenation process might be
>>> "more significant than any technical factor ever introduced into the oil
>>> industry up to the time." Here, in the laboratories of I. G. Farben, was a
>>> clear threat to the Standard's business. "Although hydrogenation of coal
>>> probably could never compete on an economic basis with crude oil," said
>>> Howard, "'the nationalistic factor' would lead to hydrogenation's being
>>> made the foundation of a protected manufacturing industry in many countries
>>> willing to pay the price." Thus, markets could be closed to imported crude
>>> oil and refined products; Standard could hardly afford not to become
>>> involved.
>>> An initial agreement was therefore reached with I. G. Farben, which
>>> allowed Standard to build a hydrogenation plant in Louisiana. But by this
>>> time, the world oil shortage was beginning to turn into a surplus, and the
>>> American company's interest shifted. Hydrogenation could also be used on
>>> crude oil, to increase the gasoline yield. Thus, the new plant in Louisiana
>>> would experimentally apply the process not to coal, but to oil, in order to
>>> squeeze more gasoline out of each barrel of petroleum.
>>> In 1929 the companies struck a broader agreement. Standard would have
>>> the patent rights to hydrogenation outside of Germany. In exchange I. G.
>>> Farben received 2 percent of Standard's stock - 546, 000 shares - valued at
>>> $35 million. Each company agreed to stay out of the other's main field of
>>> activity. As a Standard official put it, "The I. G. Farben are going to
>>> stay out of the oil business --- and we are going to stay out of the
>>> chemical business." The next step came in 1930, with the establishment of a
>>> joint company to share developments in the "oil-chemical" field. Overall, a
>>> good deal of technical knowledge was flowing to Standard.
>>> Daniel Yergin: The Prize. The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power
>>> (chapter 17)
>>> In 1938 Germany - despite the Leuna product - had to import 90, 000
>>> barrels of oil daily; changing volumes came from Venezuela, Peru, Russia
>>> and Iran; 10, 000 barrels each were delivered by Mexico and Romania; the
>>> largest part - 25,000 barrels - came from the USA.
>>> (see Daniele Ganser: Europa im Erdölrausch, p. 69)
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