English Majors

Prashant Kumar siva.prashant.kumar at gmail.com
Sat Sep 29 22:31:19 CDT 2012

Finished a BSc in Physics and Maths last year, but hung round mostly with
english/arts students, most of whom had heard of (in passing) Pynchon but
hadn't read any. Now skulking around doing Masters coursework in english
with my PhD in physics, and Pynchon doesn't seem to be much in vogue in the
academic departments here (Australia). He seems to be part of that Great
Unread amongst arts students.

Started reading Pynchon when I flipped open a copy of V. and saw the line
"a catenary smile".


On 30 September 2012 03:09, Brian Kempf <btkempf at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm curious about how many P-listers here have degrees in English,
> Literature, or something similar. I just transferred from a BS in Economics
> to a BA in English at my school.
> I've yet to meet anyone who reads (or knows) Pynchon, so I'm curious as to
> what those who do studied or what fields they work in.
> Thoughts?
> B
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