Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Tue Apr 2 02:43:45 CDT 2013

On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 9:58 PM, <bandwraith at> wrote:

> Couldn't begin to tell ya, but Dave, don't even begin to think about the
> Brewers this year. Cuz they'll be lucky if they finish ahead of the Cubs. I
> mean, I like Milwaukee, but there's a better chance of Golda Meir coming
> back from the dead than the Brewers making the playoffs.
I watched the season opener today so's I could send the scores to a
blacked-out friend + scarf free hot dogs 'n' bratwurst.   That being siad,
my only sports are redeeming valuable coupons, The Nobel Prize in
Literature + the 4th of July donut eating contest @ the park that used to
be down the street from me (+ that's a young man's game now, so ...).
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