April 2013 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Apr 1 01:58:47 CDT 2013
Ending: Tue Apr 30 22:37:04 CDT 2013
Messages: 854
- April
Dave Monroe
- April
Dave Monroe
- April
Dave Monroe
- spiritual regression
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Tyler Wilson
- Atdtda36: Trains heading south all the time, 1015-1017
Paul Nightingale
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Jamie Big Dada
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
David Kipen
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Ian Livingston
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Phillip Greenlief
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Dave Monroe
Lemuel Underwing
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Jamie Collinson
- Re: “V.” at L: Pynchon’s First Novel Turns Fifty
Lemuel Underwing
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Lemuel Underwing
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Dave Monroe
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Erik T. Burns
- Nicholson Baker, Dennis Cooper
Rich Clavey
- A Q&A with Jim Knipfel
Dave Monroe
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Mark Kohut
- Nicholson Baker, Dennis Cooper
Mark Kohut
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
kelber at mindspring.com
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Rich Clavey
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
John Bailey
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Dave Monroe
- Nicholson Baker, Dennis Cooper
malignd at aol.com
- Nicholson Baker, Dennis Cooper
Rich Clavey
- Dora Concentration Camp
Dave Monroe
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Prashant Kumar
bandwraith at aol.com
Dave Monroe
bandwraith at aol.com
- Aryan Brotherhood
bandwraith at aol.com
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
David Morris
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
David Morris
- Aryan Brotherhood
Ian Livingston
Dave Monroe
- Watts, 1966
Erik T. Burns
- A Q&A with Jim Knipfel
- Home of the Brave (1986)
Dave Monroe
- Lightning Striking Again (and Again)
Henry M
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
alice wellintown
- Why do people hate certain words?
Dave Monroe
- 10 Famous Writers on How to Drink
Dave Monroe
- 10 Famous Writers on How to Drink
Lemuel Underwing
- 10 Famous Writers on How to Drink
Ruth Flatscher
- 10 Famous Writers on How to Drink
Jamie Collinson
- Give and request
Matthew Cissell
- Fw: Give and request - one more tinglado
Matthew Cissell
- Give and request
Ruth Flatscher
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
alice wellintown
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
alice wellintown
alice wellintown
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
David Morris
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
alice wellintown
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Prashant Kumar
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
alice wellintown
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
alice wellintown
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
Tom Beshear
- Pynchonesque strange history and a request for research help
Matthew Cissell
- Pynchonesque strange history and a request for research help
- Give and request
Ian Livingston
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Tyler Wilson
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Tom Beshear
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Al Haidar
- M&D c50 The Golem
Lemuel Underwing
- M&D c50 The Golem
Lemuel Underwing
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Lemuel Underwing
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
alice wellintown
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
John Bailey
- M&D c50 The Golem
David Morris
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
David Morris
- M&D c50 The Golem
bandwraith at aol.com
- M&D c50 The Golem
David Morris
- M&D c50 The Golem
bandwraith at aol.com
- M&D c50 The Golem
David Morris
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
alice wellintown
- Aryan Brotherhood
Ian Livingston
- NP - German Movies
Prashant Kumar
- Pynchonesque strange history and a request for research help
Prashant Kumar
- NP - German Movies
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP - German Movies
- NP - German Movies
Prashant Kumar
- Streets paved with bleeding silicon
alice wellintown
- Aryan Brotherhood
bandwraith at aol.com
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
bandwraith at aol.com
- Mapping the brain
- Techno Redemption
bandwraith at aol.com
- Fwd: NP - German Movies
jochen stremmel
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
alice wellintown
- NP - German Movies
James Kyllo
- Fwd: Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
Prashant Kumar
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
Monte Davis
- Bleeding Edge is on Amazon
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
bandwraith at aol.com
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
bandwraith at aol.com
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
alice wellintown
Joe Allonby
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
alice wellintown
bandwraith at aol.com
Joe Allonby
- Fwd: NP but Barth
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
Prashant Kumar
bandwraith at aol.com
David Morris
- NP but Barth
Charles Albert
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
bandwraith at aol.com
- good-bye, roger ebert!
jochen stremmel
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
alice wellintown
- NP The Downward Road
Charles Albert
- NP but Rumi
- The Company You Keep: Vineland cum Les Miserables
Henry M
- Korea
Keith Davis
- NP but Rumi
eburns at gmail.com
- Roger Ebert, RIP, wrote a sci-Fi story (at least) as well as Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
Joe Allonby
- Korea
- please enjoy, some works from me from now on
lee momonin
- Korea
- NP but Brecht
- Korea
Keith Davis
- A Start for Making Gravity’s Rainbow
Dave Monroe
- M&D c50 The Golem
Lemuel Underwing
- M&D c50 The Golem
Lemuel Underwing
- M&D c50 The Golem
bandwraith at aol.com
- M&D c50 The Golem
bandwraith at aol.com
- M&D c50 The Golem
David Morris
- Korea
David Morris
- Korea
Prashant Kumar
- NP but Brecht
jochen stremmel
- Korea
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP but Brecht
jochen stremmel
- M&D c50 The Golem
alice wellintown
- Fwd: 60s..cultural turn inward?
- Quasi TRP - Norbert Wiener and publishing
Matthew Cissell
- NP but Brecht
Heikki Raudaskoski
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
Prashant Kumar
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
Matthew Cissell
- Back to Against the Day: El Angel Mexico City
- Back to AtD, p.989-90
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Back to Against the Day: El Angel Mexico City
alice wellintown
- Back to Against the Day: El Angel Mexico City
- Back to Against the Day: El Angel Mexico City
alice wellintown
- Back to Against the Day: El Angel Mexico City
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
Prashant Kumar
- Siege Party at Gatsby's (WAS- Re: 60s..cultural turn inward?)
bandwraith at aol.com
- Siege Party at Gatsby's (WAS- Re: 60s..cultural turn inward?)
- Siege Party at Gatsby's (WAS- Re: 60s..cultural turn inward?)
- Siege Party at Gatsby's (WAS- Re: 60s..cultural turn inward?)
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
alice wellintown
- Siege Party at Gatsby's (WAS- Re: 60s..cultural turn inward?)
bandwraith at aol.com
- Siege Party at Gatsby's (WAS- Re: 60s..cultural turn inward?)
alice wellintown
- Siege Party at Gatsby's (WAS- Re: 60s..cultural turn inward?)
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
- Not M&D, but Randel
kelber at mindspring.com
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
Monte Davis
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
alice wellintown
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
alice wellintown
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
bandwraith at aol.com
- Siege Party at Gatsby's (WAS- Re: 60s..cultural turn inward?)
alice wellintown
- IV-Creation of Adam Denis' T-shirt
Don Higgins
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
alice wellintown
- IV-Creation of Adam Denis' T-shirt
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
- Siege Party at Gatsby's (WAS- Re: 60s..cultural turn inward?)
- Hippie Drones
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
Prashant Kumar
- Techno Redemption (WAS Re: M&D c50 The Golem)
Prashant Kumar
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
Matthew Cissell
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
Matthew Cissell
- IV-Creation of Adam Denis' T-shirt
Matthew Cissell
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
alice wellintown
- IV-Creation of Adam Denis' T-shirt
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
Prashant Kumar
- NP but Lovecraft
- Remember the industrial horrors
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
- NP Dance moves of grad students of philosophy
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
alice wellintown
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
alice wellintown
- An Exploding World of Psuedo-Academia
Lemuel Underwing
- NP - "What's the question... some bits about ED
Matthew Cissell
- NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?
- NP - "What's the question... some bits about ED
alice wellintown
- NP - A bit of the lit game
Matthew Cissell
- NP Retromania
- Bleeding Edge
- Bleeding Edge
Dave Monroe
- Bleeding Edge
- Bleeding Edge
- Tangentially P - Ost is Ost......
Charles Albert
- 6 is now 4: The Penguin in a Skirt and Moustache
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP - German Movies
Ruth Flatscher
- 6 is now 4: The Penguin in a Skirt and Moustache
- NP - German Movies
Prashant Kumar
- Bleeding Edge
Prashant Kumar
- Bleeding Edge
- Bleeding Edge
Prashant Kumar
- Bleeding Edge
bandwraith at aol.com
- An Exploding World of Psuedo-Academia
bandwraith at aol.com
- Bleeding Edge
Don Higgins
- #Pynchon2013
Dave Monroe
- [np] Peripheral euro zone household wealth trumps core - ECB study
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Back to AtD. German pulping machine
- Back to AtD Beetles
- Over 100 new species of beetle just discovered
- Bleeding Edge
Antonin Scriabin
- Bleeding Edge
Keith Davis
- Bleeding Edge
kelber at mindspring.com
- Bleeding Edge
Don Higgins
- Bleeding Edge
- Back to AtD Beetles
Monte Davis
- Back to AtD Beetles
- Back to AtD Beetles
Monte Davis
- Bleeding Edge
Tyler Wilson
- Back to AtD Beetles
- [np] Peripheral euro zone household wealth trumps core - ECB study
alice wellintown
- [np] Peripheral euro zone household wealth trumps core - ECB study
David Morris
- [np] Peripheral euro zone household wealth trumps core - ECB study
alice wellintown
- NP - Bitcoin and the Bleeding Edge
Prashant Kumar
- NP - Bitcoin and the Bleeding Edge
Prashant Kumar
- [np] Peripheral euro zone household wealth trumps core - ECB study
David Morris
- From Method Acting to Method Viewong
Dave Monroe
- The Great Gatsby for NES
Dave Monroe
- [np] Peripheral euro zone household wealth trumps core - ECB study
Matthew Cissell
- Pynchon's totem - a rainbow watchin bad-ass
Matthew Cissell
- aw. Re: [np] Peripheral euro zone household wealth trumps core - ECB study
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- 6 is now 4: The Penguin in a Skirt and Moustache
Matthew Cissell
- NP - Bitcoin and the Bleeding Edge
malignd at aol.com
- more tangential Against the Day
- 6 is now 4: The Penguin in a Skirt and Moustache
bandwraith at aol.com
- 6 is now 4: The Penguin in a Skirt and Moustache
- Fwd: "Only publish good books" ---Pynchon
- 6 is now 4: The Penguin in a Skirt and Moustache
Prashant Kumar
- Fwd: 6 is now 4: The Penguin in a Skirt and Moustache
- NP - North Korean Humour
Prashant Kumar
- Germany & Spain
alice wellintown
- Hitler's Aftershave
- related to P. Very interesting new promo by
- related to P. Very interesting new promo by
- related to P. Very interesting new promo by
- Evidently the conceit of his new novel
- Evidently the conceit of his new novel
- Evidently the conceit of his new novel
- Rich is right...Delillo hoax account.
- Rich is right...Delillo hoax account.
Dave Monroe
- Rich is right...Delillo hoax account.
Mark Brawner
- Rich is right...Delillo hoax account.
- Rich is right...Delillo hoax account.
Mark Brawner
- New Robert Stone
- F*ck for Forest
Dave Monroe
- New Robert Stone
Ian Livingston
- Bleeding Edge Cover
Don Higgins
- Bleeding Edge Cover
Antonin Scriabin
- Bleeding Edge Cover
- Bleeding Edge Cover
- Bleeding Edge Cover
- Fwd: Bleeding Edge Cover
- Bleeding Edge Cover
- Bleeding Edge Cover
Laura Kelber
- Bleeding Edge Cover
Erik T. Burns
- Bleeding Edge Cover
- New Robert Stone
Keith Davis
- Germany & Spain
Thomas Eckhardt
- 6 is now 4: Pyn and publishing
Matthew Cissell
- 6 is now 4: Pyn and publishing
- Bleeding Edge Cover
John Bailey
- BE - the cover
Matthew Cissell
- 6 is now 4: Pyn and publishing
Don Higgins
- Bleeding Edge Cover
- Bleeding Edge Cover
John Bailey
- BE - the cover
Don Higgins
- BE - the cover
Don Higgins
- Bleeding Edge Cover
kelber at mindspring.com
- Bleeding Edge Cover
- Bleeding Edge Cover
kelber at mindspring.com
- np Unbelievable!
bandwraith at aol.com
- New Robert Stone
- Germany & Spain
David Morris
- Bleeding Edge Cover
David Morris
- BE: "list of things to keep alert for, ambush by rolling aluminum"
- New Robert Stone
- BE: "list of things to keep alert for, ambush by rolling aluminum"
John Bailey
- Tuesday's child is full of grace...
bandwraith at aol.com
- Pynchon mention in Vollmann review
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Bleeding Edge Cover
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Tuesday's child is full of grace...
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Le Carre
Monte Davis
- BE: "list of things to keep alert for, ambush by rolling aluminum"
- Pynchon mention in Vollmann review
Christopher Simon
- Le Carre
alice wellintown
- Tuesday's child is full of grace...
bandwraith at aol.com
- BE: "list of things to keep alert for, ambush by rolling aluminum"
alice wellintown
- Bleeding Edge Cover
- BE: "list of things to keep alert for, ambush by rolling aluminum"
- Back to AtD. " too German for me" pp. 991-992
- Misc. on Pynchon's publishers
- BE: "list of things to keep alert for, ambush by rolling aluminum"
alice wellintown
- BE: "list of things to keep alert for, ambush by rolling aluminum"
alice wellintown
- BE: "list of things to keep alert for, ambush by rolling aluminum"
alice wellintown
- BE: "list of things to keep alert for, ambush by rolling aluminum"
alice wellintown
- Pynchon mention in Vollmann review
James Kyllo
- Bleeding Edge Cover
eburns at gmail.com
- Pynchon mention in Vollmann review
Tom Beshear
- Bleeding Edge Cover
- Bleeding Edge Cover
- Back to AtD. " too German for me" pp. 991-992
David Morris
- Pynchon mention in Vollmann review
Rich Clavey
- Fwd: pynchon ref
Dave Monroe
- PKDicktionary
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: Bleeding Edge Cover
- Gravity again
- Accounts secular and karmic
bandwraith at aol.com
- Accounts secular and karmic
Ian Livingston
- Accounts secular and karmic
Keith Davis
- Accounts secular and karmic
Ian Livingston
- Accounts secular and karmic
Keith Davis
- Accounts secular and karmic
bandwraith at aol.com
- Accounts secular and karmic
alice wellintown
- Accounts secular and karmic
bandwraith at aol.com
- Gravity again
Lemuel Underwing
- Gravity again
Lemuel Underwing
- Gravity again
Ian Livingston
- Gravity again
jochen stremmel
- New Robert Stone
malignd at aol.com
- Accounts secular and karmic
alice wellintown
- Accounts secular and karmic
alice wellintown
- Gravity again
Ian Livingston
- Gravity again
alice wellintown
- Gravity again
alice wellintown
- Gravity again
alice wellintown
- Gravity again
Keith Davis
- Gravity again
Ian Livingston
- Gravity again
alice wellintown
- Misc. related to Pynchon...invisible life forms all around us?
- Gravity again
alice wellintown
- Gravity again
Lemuel Underwing
- Accounts secular and karmic
David Morris
- Gravity again
David Morris
- Gravity again
Rev'd Seventy-Six
- P gets paid- so?
Matthew Cissell
- Gravity again
alice wellintown
- Gravity again
bandwraith at aol.com
- P gets paid- so?
bandwraith at aol.com
- P gets paid- so?
- Fwd: philosophy & literature via pynchon
- Fwd: We win! We win! Wood admits he hasn't 'done the hard work'
- philosophy & literature via pynchon
bandwraith at aol.com
- philosophy & literature via pynchon
Prashant Kumar
- philosophy & literature via pynchon
Matthew Cissell
- Accounts secular and karmic
Monte Davis
- Gravity again
Rev'd Seventy-Six
- philosophy & literature via pynchon
bandwraith at aol.com
- We win! We win! Wood admits he hasn't 'done the hard work'
bandwraith at aol.com
- Gravity again
Ian Livingston
- We win! We win! Wood admits he hasn't 'done the hard work'
Ian Livingston
- Gravity again
Monte Davis
- Gravity again
Ian Livingston
- Fwd: Gravity again
Rev'd Seventy-Six
- Gravity again
bandwraith at aol.com
- Look again before you go bashing Martin Eve on philosophy and lit
Krafft, John M.
- Students Told to Take Viewpoint of the Nazis
Dave Monroe
- Happy 360th Birthday, Leonhard Euler!
Dave Monroe
- Look again before you go bashing Martin Eve on philosophy and lit
Dave Monroe
- Look again before you go bashing Martin Eve on philosophy and lit
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Look again before you go bashing Martin Eve on philosophy and lit
Monte Davis
- Look again before you go bashing Martin Eve on philosophy and lit
- Look again before you go bashing Martin Eve on philosophy and lit
Prashant Kumar
- Gravity again - whoa thar!
Matthew Cissell
- No subject
alice wellintown
alice wellintown
- Look again before you go bashing Martin Eve on philosophy and lit
bandwraith at aol.com
- Gravity again - whoa thar!
bandwraith at aol.com
- Accounts secular and karmic
alice wellintown
- Boston update
Joe Allonby
Rev'd Seventy-Six
- Science Against the Day Labor
alice wellintown
- Gravity again
malignd at aol.com
- Boston update
bandwraith at aol.com
alice wellintown
- Gravity again
malignd at aol.com
- 2013 Pulitzer Prize Winners
Dave Monroe
Prashant Kumar
- Charlie Pierce was there
- Gravity again
Prashant Kumar
- Gravity again
Rich Clavey
- Charlie Pierce was there
Joe Allonby
- Charlie Pierce was there
- Fwd: Tweet from Katrina vandenHeuvel (@KatrinaNation)
- philosophy & literature via pynchon
David Morris
- Look again before you go bashing Martin Eve on philosophy and lit
David Morris
- Fwd: Gravity again
- Gravity again
David Morris
- NP Gaddis
- Science Against the Day Labor
alice wellintown
- defending Wood, kinda...
alice wellintown
- Look again before you go bashing Martin Eve on philosophy and lit
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Science Against the Day Labor
- NP Gaddis
- Cracking the Voynich Code
Dave Monroe
- GR translation: with Death as validator
Mike Jing
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Henry M
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
eburns at gmail.com
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Jamie Big Dada
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
- Bleeding Edge Cover
Monte Davis
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Tyler Wilson
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Dave Monroe
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Dave Monroe
- Enter the Mangog!
Dave Monroe
- Enter the Mangog!
Charles Albert
- Enter the Mangog!
Lemuel Underwing
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Lemuel Underwing
- 2013 Pulitzer Prize Winners
Lemuel Underwing
- 1974 - National Book Awards Fiction Winners
Dave Monroe
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
- 1974 - National Book Awards Fiction Winners
Dave Monroe
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
- Science Against the Day Labor
alice wellintown
- 1974 - National Book Awards Fiction Winners
jochen stremmel
- Science Against the Day Labor
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Lemuel Underwing
- Science Against the Day Labor
malignd at aol.com
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
malignd at aol.com
- GR translation: with Death as validator
jochen stremmel
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
malignd at aol.com
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
kelber at mindspring.com
- GR translation: with Death as validator
kelber at mindspring.com
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Rich Clavey
- GR translation: with Death as validator
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Keith Davis
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Prashant Kumar
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Rich Clavey
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Don Higgins
bandwraith at aol.com
alice wellintown
- GR translation: with Death as validator
David Morris
- GR translation: with Death as validator
David Morris
- Science Against the Day Labor
David Morris
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
David Morris
David Morris
David Morris
- Science Against the Day Labor
- GR translation: with Death as validator
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
bandwraith at aol.com
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
bandwraith at aol.com
Prashant Kumar
alice wellintown
Prashant Kumar
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Henry M
Monte Davis
Prashant Kumar
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Carvill John
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
alice wellintown
- space in GR
Umberto Mazzei
- Manger Beetles
bandwraith at aol.com
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Don Higgins
bandwraith at aol.com
- 2013 Pulitzer Prize Winners
Charles Albert
- Manger Beetles
- Manger Beetles
bandwraith at aol.com
bandwraith at aol.com
Keith Davis
Antonin Scriabin
bandwraith at aol.com
Prashant Kumar
- Manger Beetles
Mark Kohut
Keith Davis
Antonin Scriabin
- 2013 Pulitzer Prize Winners
Monte Davis
- Manger Beetles
Henry M
- Linguistic theory in Dubai
Dave Monroe
- 2013 Pulitzer Prize Winners
alice wellintown
- How Science ("the gnostic light") prevailed & railed Against the Day Labor of Workers
alice wellintown
- space in GR
alice wellintown
malignd at aol.com
malignd at aol.com
- Rachel Kushner
Dave Monroe
- Science Against the Day Labor
David Morris
- Science Against the Day Labor
David Morris
alice wellintown
bandwraith at aol.com
- Film Studies for Free
Dave Monroe
- space in GR
Heikki Raudaskoski
- NP but on Vienna in AtD
- space in GR
Umberto Mazzei
- Fwd: Tweet from The OED (@OED)
- NP but an Adams, inanimate objects and work ( for Alice)
- NP but Adams again. Arguing against Paley's Day
- Fwd: Retweet is not necessarily endorsement. Just fascinating remark.
- NP, Rilke
- Science Against the Day Labor
alice wellintown
- Science Against the Day Labor
- Rachel Kushner
malignd at aol.com
- Science Against the Day Labor
malignd at aol.com
- Science Against the Day Labor
alice wellintown
- Science Against the Day Labor
alice wellintown
- Science Against the Day Labor
Prashant Kumar
- Rachel Kushner
Lemuel Underwing
- 2013 Pulitzer Prize Winners
Lemuel Underwing
- Rachel Kushner
Charles Albert
- Science Against the Day Labor
David Morris
- Science Against the Day Labor
David Morris
- Science Against the Day Labor
Don Higgins
- Science Against the Day Labor
David Morris
- Science Against the Day Labor
- Science Against the Day Labor
Lemuel Underwing
- Science Against the Day Labor
alice wellintown
- Science Against the Day Labor
alice wellintown
- Science Against the Day Labor
alice wellintown
- It was 70 years ago this month ... LSD in literature
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Science Against the Day Labor
Don Higgins
- NP: Writer comments on the Boston suspects
- NP -
David Morris
- Science Against the Day Labor
- Science Against the Day Labor
Don Higgins
- NP -
Joe Allonby
- Science Against the Day Labor
- Science Against the Day Labor
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Joe Allonby
- Science Against the Day Labor
Don Higgins
- Science Against the Day Labor
- Science Against the Day Labor
- Science Against the Day Labor
- Science Against the Day Labor
Don Higgins
- Gravity's Rainbow?
Dave Monroe
- NP except for double vision--Iceland Spar-like line, which is why I send it.
- Men and women after my own heart
bandwraith at aol.com
- Coda to a trying week
bandwraith at aol.com
- Coda to a trying week
Joe Allonby
- Coda to a trying week
bandwraith at aol.com
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Monte Davis
- Coda to a trying week
Joe Allonby
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
- Fwd: Tweet from Pitoucat (@Pitoucat22)
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
Mark Kohut
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
Mark Kohut
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
- NP but Malcolm X( who is in GR) via Warhol
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
kelber at mindspring.com
- Coda to a trying week
David Morris
- "A Pynchon Interview"
Dave Monroe
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- Pynchon conference Nordhausen 1993
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
Monte Davis
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- IPW 2013 Durham
Dave Monroe
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
kelber at mindspring.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Monte Davis
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
alice wellintown
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Monte Davis
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- It was 70 years ago this month ... LSD in literature
Matthew Cissell
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
kelber at mindspring.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- Science-Fictional News
Dave Monroe
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- NP: Another in the anti-Nixon arsenal to read. Anyone, anyone?
- NP: Bezoks
Henry M
- Science-Fictional News
Laura Kelber
- NP: Bezoks
David Morris
- Science-Fictional News
David Morris
- Science-Fictional News
Keith Davis
- Science-Fictional News
kelber at mindspring.com
- GR translation: with Death as validator
Mike Jing
- NP: Bezoks
Henry M
- GR translation: womanly twisting the night-streaked yarn of her past
Mike Jing
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- GR translation: womanly twisting the night-streaked yarn of her past
Mike Jing
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- NP: Bezoks
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- GR translation: womanly twisting the night-streaked yarn of her past
David Morris
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- GR translation: womanly twisting the night-streaked yarn of her past
alice wellintown
- It was 70 years ago this month ... LSD in literature
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- NP: Bezoks
Henry M
- science, magic, madness
Tom Beshear
- science, magic, madness
Rev'd Seventy-Six
- science, magic, madness
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
- science, magic, madness
- GR translation: womanly twisting the night-streaked yarn of her past
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
Mark Kohut
- NP: Quantum deep space, banana drama and more
Mark Kohut
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- The New Canon
Dave Monroe
- How Capitalism is Dismembering America
- How Capitalism is Dismembering America
Ian Livingston
- How Capitalism is Dismembering America
Charles Albert
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
Robert Mahnke
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
Lemuel Underwing
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
Keith Davis
- Gravity's Covers
Henry M
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance? CORRECTED
- How Capitalism is Dismembering America
alice wellintown
- NP. Richie Havens RIP
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
malignd at aol.com
- science, magic, madness
malignd at aol.com
- NP. Richie Havens RIP
Matthew Cissell
- The New Canon
malignd at aol.com
- science, magic, madness
Keith Davis
- science, magic, madness
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
alice wellintown
- Rule of Thumb (WAS Re: NP. Richie Havens RIP)
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP. Richie Havens RIP
alice wellintown
- NP. Richie Havens RIP
Ian Livingston
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
David Morris
- Gravity's Covers
David Morris
- science, magic, madness
David Morris
- Gravity's Covers
Dave Monroe
- science, magic, madness
bandwraith at aol.com
- science, magic, madness
David Morris
- V. on the stage
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP. Richie Havens RIP
Henry M
- science, magic, madness
malignd at aol.com
- science, magic, madness
malignd at aol.com
- Entropy alive again! "
- Fwd: NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- science, magic, madness
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
David Morris
- science, magic, madness
Ian Livingston
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
Matthew Cissell
- Modern world and paranoia
Matthew Cissell
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
Matthew Cissell
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- remember all the clothes
- remember all the clothes
- remember all the clothes
Monte Davis
- Fwd: remember all the clothes
- Fwd: remember all the clothes
- remember all the clothes
- Modern world and paranoia
Antonin Scriabin
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
- Hashtag goin' round the sphere...turn titles into sex texts
- Modern world and paranoia
- Modern world and paranoia
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
- V. for Vital
Dave Monroe
- Modern world and paranoia
- Modern world and paranoia
- Modern world and paranoia
- Modern world and paranoia
Tom Beshear
- V. for Vital
Rev'd Seventy-Six
- V. for Vital
- Modern world and paranoia
Antonin Scriabin
- Modern world and paranoia
Antonin Scriabin
- Modern world and paranoia
Monte Davis
- Man of Mystery
Dave Monroe
- np Error by Design
bandwraith at aol.com
- Modern world and paranoia
- Modern world and paranoia
Antonin Scriabin
- Modern world and paranoia
- Modern world and paranoia
Monte Davis
- Modern world and paranoia
bandwraith at aol.com
- When Irony irons in the wrinkles in Free Indirect Style (i.e., Pynchon)
alice wellintown
- When Irony irons in the wrinkles in Free Indirect Style (i.e., Pynchon)
bandwraith at aol.com
- When Irony irons in the wrinkles in Free Indirect Style (i.e., Pynchon)
alice wellintown
- When Irony irons in the wrinkles in Free Indirect Style (i.e., Pynchon)
alice wellintown
- Modern world and paranoia
- np Error by Design
David Morris
- (smacks of P.) Modern Art Used as Weapon in the Cold War
Lemuel Underwing
- (smacks of P.) Modern Art Used as Weapon in the Cold War
David Morris
- M&D c50 The Golem
Lemuel Underwing
- M&D c50 The Golem
Lemuel Underwing
- Literature is still powerful stuff
Matthew Cissell
- J Wood and Flaubert
Matthew Cissell
- When Irony irons in the wrinkles in Free Indirect Style (i.e., Pynchon)
alice wellintown
- Literature is still powerful stuff
alice wellintown
- When Irony irons in the wrinkles in Free Indirect Style (i.e., Pynchon)
eburns at gmail.com
- Literature is still powerful stuff
bandwraith at aol.com
- np Error by Design
bandwraith at aol.com
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- J Wood and Flaubert
- Literature is still powerful stuff
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- Gaddis
- J Wood and Flaubert
Heikki Raudaskoski
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
malignd at aol.com
- Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
alice wellintown
- Literature is still powerful stuff
alice wellintown
- np Error by Design
alice wellintown
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- Literature is still powerful stuff
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- Fwd: Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
Prashant Kumar
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
David Morris
- Literature is still powerful stuff
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Literature is still powerful stuff
Matthew Cissell
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
alice wellintown
- Literature is still powerful stuff
bandwraith at aol.com
- Fwd: Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP but DeLiilo ( who claims HE is not his paranoid characters).
Mark Kohut
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Mark Kohut
- Literature is still powerful stuff
malignd at aol.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
malignd at aol.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
malignd at aol.com
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Monte Davis
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Tom Beshear
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
- Misc. Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy (from WIkipedia)
Mark Kohut
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Monte Davis
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Mark Kohut
- NP Something else I read today
Mark Kohut
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
David Morris
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
malignd at aol.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
malignd at aol.com
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Dave Monroe
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
David Morris
- Back to Against the Day, p 989
Mark Kohut
- Back to Against the Day, p 998 CORRECTED
Mark Kohut
- Back to AtD pp1000 ff
Mark Kohut
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
bandwraith at aol.com
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
bandwraith at aol.com
- Big Brother & Big Data
alice wellintown
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Mark Kohut
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
bandwraith at aol.com
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Mark Kohut
- Big Brother & Big Data
Mark Kohut
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
bandwraith at aol.com
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
alice wellintown
- Big Brother & Big Data
alice wellintown
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Dave Monroe
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
bandwraith at aol.com
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Mark Kohut
- BLEEDING EDGE. Cape to publish in England
Mark Kohut
- Coffee in TRP
Mark Kohut
- Coffee in TRP
Lemuel Underwing
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
- NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
- NP Something else I read today
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
- NP Something else I read today
David Morris
- NP Something else I read today
jochen stremmel
- Images of a modern V.?
Matthew Cissell
- Back to AtD pp1000ff
Mark Kohut
- ReGR: GE--KRUPP conspiracy trial of 1947.
Mark Kohut
- Good Eve
bandwraith at aol.com
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
alice wellintown
- Masterpiece Comics
Dave Monroe
- Feeling older lately
Mark Kohut
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
bandwraith at aol.com
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
Rev'd Seventy-Six
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
- First Page of Bleeding Edge?
Joseph Tracy
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
alice wellintown
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
alice wellintown
- Back to AtD p.1003
Mark Kohut
- NP but physics and philosophy I can understand and with Borges
Mark Kohut
- Playlist Addition
Dave Monroe
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
bandwraith at aol.com
- How to Tell a Joke on the Internet
Dave Monroe
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
- NP but physics and philosophy I can understand and with Borges
Jeff Sunbury
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
alice wellintown
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
malignd at aol.com
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
Jeff Sunbury
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
alice wellintown
- "Doesn't suck," Zig agrees.
bandwraith at aol.com
- NP: Did the whole pynchon list
Mark Kohut
- (NP) The male gaze
Michael Bailey
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
alice wellintown
- NP but Malta
Mark Kohut
- NP but Malta
Prashant Kumar
- "Doesn't suck," Zig agrees.
- Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too
- Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories
Dave Monroe
- Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories
- T. R. Pynchon's Grandfather
Don Higgins
- NP but Malta
Mark Kohut
- "Doesn't suck," Zig agrees.
malignd at aol.com
- Re To The Wonder and Against the Day
Mark Kohut
- "Doesn't suck," Zig agrees.
bandwraith at aol.com
- "Doesn't suck," Zig agrees.
bandwraith at aol.com
- Re To The Wonder and Against the Day
Lemuel Underwing
- Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories
Keith Davis
- Rebel Rock
David Morris
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 22:37:04 CDT 2013
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:09:08 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).