Pynchonesque strange history and a request for research help

Matthew Cissell macissell at
Wed Apr 3 08:59:01 CDT 2013

  I thought I would send again under a different title to see if I get any more responses. Sorry if it's a bother.

Serendipitously tripping over pages, I came across one that seems meant for Pynchon fans: After the Terrorist Postcards look for the piece on D'Annunzio Over Vienna (someone here recently mentioned D'Annunzio or a book involving him) - they both made me think of TP.

Now I have a request: does anybody know how I can get a copy of    Gale, David. "The Quest for Thomas Pynchon." Tatler, January, 1990: 188. (it is quoted in various places but I have not read it myself). Also, Nichols, Lewis. "In and Out of Books." New York Times Book Review, 28 April 1963: 8    Anybody holding?
Plus I'm looking for a copy of TP's Ford Foundation application text. 

Most appreciatively,
MC Otis
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