NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?

Matthew Cissell macissell at
Sun Apr 7 04:16:00 CDT 2013

Anyone in the Humanities, that is anyone who wants to eventually work in the Hum. now or in the future (undergrads, Grads, Post-grads and the the CV senders - I think the Tenured are a little safer) should be concerned about how to answer questions that doubt the value of their field's existence, be it History, English studies of some type or whatnot. Try to explain deconstruction and its value to an administrator (some one in the budget office maybe) and find what looks ya get.

I don't dread these questions but they are to be taken very seriously; the thought of a major die-off of Humanities courses should cause at least some dread.

I add this link:   

mc otis

 From: Prashant Kumar <siva.prashant.kumar at>
To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at> 
Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2013 10:17 AM
Subject: NP - "What's the question about your question that you dread being asked?

What question about your field do you dread being asked? Maybe it's a sore point: your field should have an answer (people think you do) but there isn't one yet. Perhaps it's simple to pose but hard to answer. Or it's a question that belies a deep misunderstanding: the best answer is to question the question.

Various responses there; any p-listers willing to chime in?


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