defending Wood, kinda...

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Tue Apr 16 06:01:59 CDT 2013

In defense of James Wood, I would point out that he has, unlike so many
others, read Pynchon and written some of the best criutical works on P's
works. And, like Wood, I think P wastes much of his talent on his
california books, but Wood will never accept the kind of art P produces
because he has his won view of what art is supposed to be and that view is
at odds with what P does. And, that is OK. Wood talks of P inheriting
Melville's Broken Estate, and, if one can put politics and bias aside, one
can see the brillian insight that Wood provides in this book of his. Worth
reading. Wood fails, and he is not alone in this, to see the point of P's
satire. Some of P's best critcs have also argued that P's satire are, if
not pointless, not corrective. Well, that position is difficult to defend
give the post GR works, fiction and non-fiction.
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