malignd at malignd at
Tue Apr 16 16:53:24 CDT 2013

This is a smart post with which I agree.  I would add that science is a method -- of investigation and discovery.  To rail against science is like railing against algebra.

-----Original Message-----
From: Prashant Kumar <siva.prashant.kumar at>
Cc: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Mon, Apr 15, 2013 7:36 pm
Subject: Re:

So, a couple of things; a two-step if you like: reification and generalisation.

First: science is not a contiguous set of practices. It is not monolithic, and therefore its meat and method is not isolable in the way our dear interlocutors have presumed. So, whatever you say about the ethical colour of man or machine depends peculiarly on man, machine, and the way the former uses and is changed by, the latter. See also: technologies of the self. Variegated of course by a soupcon of historicism. 

What I'm saying maybe does seem irrelevant, but consider that the kind of science we get -- from methods to what specifically is studied, and how -- depends on the medley of personalities, funding and need one finds in modern scientific contexts. To call it "science" and then sort it into the right morality-bin is to discuss a  popular, a layman's, version of science. It's fine, but don't expect such an analysis to say anything about "real science". Prejudice, greed, and the fleshandblood motivations of modern scientists are indispensable to discovery. See also: Against Method 4th ed., Paul Feyerabend.

To say "science gave us computers" is to say quite literally nothing. How? What sequence of discoveries produces a computer? and, now, should I permute the order? What then? One more: how can we be sure of counterfactuals: "devices which wouldn't exist were it not for science." ? This is a stronger statement than it appears. Is science a unique historical process, with equally unique material correlates? See also: Historical Ontology, Ian Hacking.

Let me say as well, this discussion calls on a particularly Western suppressed premise: the moral rectitude of progress itself. So what if we don't have computers? Fuck 'em.

And now to generalisation. I'm sure you see where I'm going by now, so let me just say this. The choices scientists are presented with, and the decisions which they make, differ in substance between disciplines. And technological innovation from scientific discovery is a process distinct from science itself.  See also: You figure it out...


On 16 April 2013 08:04, alice wellintown <alicewellintown at> wrote:

I didn't say anyone attacked me. I don't think anyone did. 

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Rev'd Seventy-Six <revd.76 at> wrote:

"...rather than argue against what I've argued, which is, that science is the new religion, the greatest risk to life on Earth, the P-Lister elected to distort my argument and recast it as an atack on people who work in science or scientists."

For starters, it wasn't an attack on you personally; point of fact, it wasn't an attack at all.  It was a ramble and probably poorly written, sparked by confusion which caused me to ask you to clarify your position--  which I couldn't quite tell was farcical or not, considering we're having this little chat on devices that allow to communicate over vast distances  --devices which wouldn't exist were it not for science.  For as many hazards as you might argue science has produced, it has produced an equal number of benefits.  I don't see it as being particularly sacred, but I do think it's taken an unfair number of knocks over the last little while because there's this weird tendency to characterize a vast, fascinating field encompassing a scintillating number of disciplines as somehow being Against Humanity.  In P there's a certain cautiousness throughout to the uses of science, and that's what I thought we were discussing, not whether or not capital-S science were going to stomp us with Karloff size twelves for our failure to be god-fearing enough.

You've again stated science is the greatest risk to life on earth, which I don't hold to be any more or less true than the statement that human greed is the greatest risk to life on earth.  We're at an impasse, is all.  Not a matter of fault if we disagree.  Again, sorry for any offense.


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