GR translation: with Death as validator

David Morris fqmorris at
Tue Apr 16 21:29:12 CDT 2013

Sounds good to me, in a comedic sense.

On Tuesday, April 16, 2013, jochen stremmel wrote:

> Death punches the ticket of the assassinated?
> Not sure.
> 2013/4/16 Mike Jing < at <javascript:_e({},
> 'cvml', ' at');>>
>> P167.11-23   Why do they want Rathenau tonight? What did Caesar really
>> whisper to his protégé as he fell? Et tu, Brute, the official lie, is about
>> what you’d expect to get from them—it says exactly nothing. The moment of
>> assassination is the moment when power and the ignorance of power come
>> together, with Death as validator. When one speaks to the other then it is
>> not to pass the time of day with et-tu-Brutes. What passes is a truth so
>> terrible that history—at best a conspiracy, not always among gentlemen, to
>> defraud—will never admit it. The truth will be repressed or in ages of
>> particular elegance be disguised as something else. What will Rathenau,
>> past the moment, years into a new otherside existence, have to say about
>> the old dispensation? Probably nothing as incredible as what he might have
>> said just as the shock flashed his mortal nerves, as the Angel swooped in.
>> . . .
>> I searched through the source given in the Companion: Waite, Pictorial
>> Key ( ) and could not find the
>> word "validator" anywhere.  And I am wondering if the explanation given
>> even makes sense here.  Could the "validator" mean something else?  Anyone
>> can shed some light on this?
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