Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils

bandwraith at bandwraith at
Sun Apr 21 09:03:08 CDT 2013

I generally agree, but would mention that scientists of the sort you would consider legitimate, in general, have not done a particularly good job of making clear where "the line" is, and by remaining, too often, aloof, have left the field wide open for DC, et. al. Dawkins and company have successfully muddied the waters, and turned the debate into something worthy of Jerry Springer, and profitably so.

"Academic jobs being the way they are..." is a dilemma which bridges the cultural divide between The Arts and the Sciences, much like sexism and racism, especially in the area of advancement. You have broadened the discussion to include the economic dimension. Fair enough. It becomes the market place of ideas.

Scientific Truth may not be something which is amenable to a democratic vote, but in the first world economies- where most Big Science is carried out- allocation of funds comes down to politics and sociology, which includes, to a large degree, Defense spending. It is worth considering what that means for a civil and sustainable society, by people who are capable of understanding and respecting both sides of the debate. That's what DC pretends to be, and not without some legitimacy. He at least understands the urgency for a greater mutual recognition and cooperation between The Arts and Sciences, even as he capitalizes on it. There are other signatories to column in response to TED's supposed censorship. What is your take on them?

-----Original Message-----
From: Prashant Kumar siva.prashant.kumar at
To: bandwraith <bandwraith at>; pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Sun, Apr 21, 2013 7:55 am
Subject: Re: Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils

My take on it is this: what DC and others does is manipulative (in that it does prey on people who must necessarily "trust the experts") and shits all over a nascent field; applications of quantum mechanics in the life sciences is only slowly being studied for all the damage new agers have done (academic jobs being the way they are, no newly minted PhD wants to risk his or her reputation on something so fringe. It's unreasonable to expect people to live as tortured maybe-geniuses). It's a technique of the right: teach the controversy. DC et al. in this article are attempting to blur the line (and there is one) between his horseshit and actual speculative science which exists outside the norm. 

Quantum consciousness is a prime example: there is no way to maintain quantum coherence at the energy scale at which the brain operates. Now, this doesn't mean that quantum physics has no role in biology. Here is a wonderful review article detailing various applications. Turns out, magnetoception in pigeons may be quantum mechanical in nature! This is the kind of research which we don't hear about, thanks to these arseholes. I'm willing to bet reality is more interesting than anything Chopra could come up with.


On 21 April 2013 21:28, <bandwraith at> wrote:

You mean... It's just another rope trick?  : )
Thinking about it in general terms, I guess there're lots of "cracked pots"- scientific, religious, artistic, etc. Some are endearing, some more consciously manipulative and willing to prey on people's niavete. But I maintain that - if I can be excused the royal "we" here- we are all a little cracked in our own way, and its probably okay to embrace our inner crack-pot, just not too vehemently, lest we seal the cracks and it becomes a pressure cooker- just enough to foster a little empathy.
I was going to say something about the Liberty Bell, but I'm uncertain now. It's Sunday here. I'll go meditate on it for awhile. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Prashant Kumar <siva.prashant.kumar at>
To: bandwraith <bandwraith at>; pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Sun, Apr 21, 2013 5:31 am
Subject: Re: Guarding the Wall: tunnels, bridges and tendrils

This guy and his quantum mechanical snake the language of my people: "madarchod".  


On Saturday, April 20, 2013, wrote:

"...On the other side of the wall are lethal enemies and malefic magic. For centuries, no one has seen the zombie-like White Walkers who live on the other side of the wall, nor the dragons that once ravaged Westeros
Even so, after magic and zombies fell into disbelief, a hereditary band of guardians swore an oath to keep watch at the wall, generation after generation. TED has put itself in rather the same position. What the militant atheists and self-described skeptics hate is a certain brand of magical thinking that endangers science. In particular, there is the bugaboo of "non-local consciousness," which causes the hair on the back of their necks to stand on end. A layman would be forgiven for not grasping why such an innocent-sounding phrase could spell danger to "good science."

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