NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?

kelber at kelber at
Sun Apr 21 09:47:14 CDT 2013

What's stupid? The idea that there can be many disparate reasons to oppose modernity, in its latest incarnation - the megacorporation?  I didn't say that pacifists and al Qaeda, or that feminists and religious fundamentalists are comrades-in-arms - they can't be. But in a world where nation-states are going bankrupt, where Nature (water, the genetic code) is being privatized, where formerly democratic bodies are being bought off, where slavery (sex slaves, child labor, prison labor immigrant internment camps) is a significant contributor to world "prosperity," there are bound to be some strange bedfellows in opposition. Who's opposed to sex slavery, for example? Feminists and religious fundamentalists who think women should be kept veiled and locked up.


-----Original Message-----
>From: alice wellintown <alicewellintown at>
>Sent: Apr 21, 2013 8:51 AM
>To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>
>Subject: Re: NP? modernity, terrorism, truth and relevance?
>You can't be serious. This is stupid.
>> On the other side, all those who hate the Globocracy: political progressives
>> (who can get confused, because they're fighting against people who support
>> many of the progressive issues they feel most passionate about),
>> environmentalists, supporters of human rights, pacifists, humanists,
>> Christian wingnuts, fascists, rightwing nationalists, Muslim
>> fundamentalists, Orthodox Jews, and racists and hate-mongerers of all
>> stripes. Much as I loathe who's lumped into this side, it's the side I most
>> support. It's clearly the losing side. Pynchon, with his romanticizing of
>> indigenous cultures, his disgust at colonialism, clearly falls into this
>> side.

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