GR translation: womanly twisting the night-streaked yarn of her past

Bekah bekah0176 at
Mon Apr 22 11:19:28 CDT 2013

An old sig line: 
Life is too short to read bad books,  drink bad coffee or knit with ugly yarn.

It goes well here - 


On Apr 22, 2013, at 2:49 AM, Mike Jing < at> wrote:

> Of course, I just realized that twisting is needed when spinning yarn.  Silly me.
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 5:36 AM, Mike Jing < at> wrote:
> P212.5-14   “You were in London,” she will presently whisper, turning back to her wheel and spinning it again, face averted, womanly twisting the night-streaked yarn of her past, “while they were coming down I was in ’s Gravenhage”—fricatives sighing, the name spoken with exile’s lingering—“while they were going up. Between you and me is not only a rocket trajectory, but also a life. You will come to understand that between the two points, in the five minutes, it lives an entire life. You haven’t even learned the data on our side of the flight profile, the visible or trackable. Beyond them there’s so much more, so much none of us know. . . .”
> First, I thought this obviously refers the spinning of the roulette wheel, which is like a spinning wheel for yarn.  But then "the night-streaked yarn of her past" seems to refer to the story of he past, which she is "twisting" somehow.  Am I reading too much into this?  (Or is that even possible?)

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