remember all the clothes

Markekohut markekohut at
Wed Apr 24 08:38:52 CDT 2013

P's use here and later thereby gives the concept some multiple meanings ( as is his wont) that
Links the aesthetic and the real world's injustice ( as the fiction presents ' real world injustice, if it,does) 

do we know of an earlier use of the phrase by Pynchon?

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 24, 2013, at 9:19 AM, "Monte Davis" <montedavis at> wrote:

> Writing well is the best revenge
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-pynchon-l at [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at] On Behalf
> Of Markekohut
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:05 AM
> To: pynchon -l
> Subject: remember all the clothes
> Oedipal has to remove when she plays Strip Botticelli? 
> "Curfews were not the only erotic problem we faced....
> ....a variety of coed undergarments fiendishly designed to delay until
> Curfew, if not to prevent outright, any access to one's date's  pelvic
> area."
>                  ----Pynchon's intro to Farina's novel, 1983
> "[Gnossos ] is susceptible to the thrill of vendetta or karmic adjustment,
> An impulse I suspect isn't entirely absent from why Farina wrote the novel"
>                        ---pynchon 
> As adumbrated by Pynchon, part of the motivation for Farina's novel was
> Cornell's Crackdown on partiers like him ( including his suspension,
> although soon rescinded after the protesting) .  
> So, fiction can be 'karmic adjustment' ? 
> Sent from my iPad

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