V. for Vital

Rev'd Seventy-Six revd.76 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 10:17:37 CDT 2013

"....Pynchon’s novel arrived just as the U.S. made its way out of the miry
bog of World War II to enter murky Cold War swamplands. An assassin shot
President Kennedy dead just a few months after *V.* hit the bookstores. Cue
the Vietnam War, Watergate and the loss of any starry-eyed confidence in
the West’s so-called peacemakers. Fast forward to today’s Wars—Terror,
Iraq, Drugs, Marriage—and *V.* seems even more prophetic today than on
first arrival. Was Pynchon right? Will we keep searching for meaning in a
world that gives us less of it every year? Have we all become Benny Profane
in the sewers of New York City, hunting alligators in the darkness as a
last-ditch effort to make sense of ourselves?"

Drugs, Homeless, Religion, Terror, Christmas, Marriage, u.s.w.
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