Wood vs. Tanner on Paranoid Plots & Camus and Conrad and James too

Rev'd Seventy-Six revd.76 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 22:07:50 CDT 2013

"Who was that guy watching the Texas Highway Killer on TV?"

Matty.  Matthew Shay was obsessed with the (mediated) left-handed killer,
in much the same way he was obsessed with (the mediated effects of) The
Bomb when he was working in a bunker underground.

Which would be the biggest tip of the hat to GR Don penned, wouldn't it?
Come to think on it.  Though I rather loved his nod to William S. Burroughs
in 'Ratner's Star'...

The 'missing' link in the ownership of the ball was--  spoiler!  --the
THK's victim in the vid, by the way.  In case you didn't catch it on that
third read.  :)

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