GR translation: We have to play the patterns.

bandwraith at bandwraith at
Thu Mar 7 20:49:32 CST 2013

Absolutley agree. Very ironic that Slothrop "escapes" to the Outside, only to find that people are playing the patterns as much on the outside as on the inside, only difference is- Maybe he is not as much the center of attention, but just one of several foci of interest in the Zone, My comments about inside/outside control and the piano were meant to bring to mind Saure and Gustav. 

While I admire Mike, my own feelings are that GR is untranslatable, and that any attempt- well worth the effort even if impossible- should focus more on capturing the ideas and themes (that's right, the patterns themselves) rather than word for word literalness. So this particular phrase has got to be especially meaningful for any would be translator.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Markekohut <markekohut at>
To: Mike Jing < at>
Cc: bandwraith <bandwraith at>; Pynchon Mailing List <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Thu, Mar 7, 2013 8:21 am
Subject: Re: GR translation: We have to play the patterns.

Not much for the translation but just a pointing to:  TRP playing within" free" here....that deep

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 7, 2013, at 12:15 AM, Mike Jing < at> wrote:

That's quite correct.  However, please keep in mind that my primary concern is the translation.  
So it's useful to see what it means for different people, so that I can choose the best word in Chinese that has the right connotations.

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 7:52 AM, <bandwraith at> wrote:

It depends on the answer to the preceding question- "Who knows?" Who is who? Is trajectory- rocket, character, narrative, historical, etc.- controlled internally or externally? Locally or more universally? Frame, reference, p.o.v. are all in play here. Is there a piano player or is this tune being produced by a player piano? Anybody's guess. Do the rats control the experiment or are they being controlled? And what about that hand with the light touch on the Ouija's planchette? The text is filled with these little paranoid angles. My own preference- no one (except maybe The Shadow, and she ain't about to reveal herself any time soon) knows.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Jing < at>
To: Pynchon Mailing List <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Wed, Mar 6, 2013 2:42 am
Subject: GR translation: We have to play the patterns.

It dawns on Slothrop, literally, through the yellowbrown window shade, that this is his first day Outside. His first free morning. He doesn’t have to go back. Free? What’s free? He falls asleep at last. A little before noon a young woman lets herself in with a passkey and leaves him the papers. He is now an English war correspondent named Ian Scuffling.
“This is the address of one of our people in Zürich. Waxwing wishes you good luck and asks what kept you so long.”
“You mean he wants an answer?”
“He said you’d have to think about it.”
“Sa-a-a-ay.” It’s just occurred to him. “Why are all you folks helping me like this? For free and all?”
“Who knows? We have to play the patterns. There must be a pattern you’re in, right now.”

What is the meaning of "play the patterns"?

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