9-11 box cutters 11 september utility knives

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 23:36:44 CST 2013

Well the last thing I would want to do would be to hop along the bunny
trail and meet up with whatever caused some other people to meet their
demise, I'm thinking in particular of that dude that wrote about the
contra-drug connection and the coroner said it was suicide with 2 bullets
to his own head.

Anyway, I have suspicions, sure, and looked at a lot of things that seem
pretty compelling to me...BUT:
I don't have anywhere near the mountain of evidence that would contradict
what I would characterize unironically as Chomsky's (inter alia) great mind.

The things that most make me go hmm, in sound-bite brevity, are
A) the 47 support columns, where did they go? Not easy to disappear, so

B) an awful lot of concrete turned to dust, not hunks of broken concrete
but dust!
i've seen, but am not competent to judge, 2 estimates, 1 where the kinetic
energy of the fall was found sufficient for the conversion & 1 where it

C) earwitness in wtc maintenance crew reported explosion prior to plane
impact, unfortunately, i learned, he killed himself not too long ago.

D) totally ad hominem, the vibe of the Bush admin makes it seem reasonable
to me. Obviously not a proof...

E) that professor dude in Utah who got a lot of press for awhile had some
interesting things to say

F) there are other things like the Bush-bin Laden business partnership and
the anthrax ---- like i am so sure foreign terrorist target lists have
tabloid publishers and the minority leader of the House right at the tiptop
of their charts, these things stink but do not really prove anything.

Most of us agree it was a really bad day. So we have that going for us!

I stopped actively following in 2005 or so - so I don't really have the
sources at my fingertips, but like the JFK aftermath, I'll probably at
least glance at any well-mentioned material for as long as I can project
being bummed by these occurrences, which seem to me to be pretty
unambiguous bummers...check out but try not to dwell on them for obvious
raisins (-;

Where I think Maxine is a good choice is in showing how she focuses on
small attainable fraud corrections, and hands the Rilly Big Shew, by which
I mean the rooftop footage, off to like some foax with the means to perhaps
run with it.  I had the same admiration in Pattern Recognition for the
attainable goal and resultant caper. F'n good caper IMHO, love that book.
But in the current book there's also some lovable stuff, got me looking at
pole dancing on YouTube eg-...with a scientific interest, of course.
Parallel to my parkour-gazing after reading PR.
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