GR translation: under the tanks snailing whitely to heaven

Monte Davis montedavis49 at
Sun Apr 20 09:52:19 CDT 2014

Scroll down for some (not very snail-like) fuel tanks half-buried in an

Service roads, rail spurs, or downhill leakage from tanks might form the
snail trails, but I can't find contemporary photos to confirm that.

On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 3:22 AM, Mike Jing < at>wrote:

> V524.30-34   They ride on up to where Pavel’s sniffing synthetic gasoline
> on the side of the lampless beige hill, under the tanks snailing whitely to
> heaven, here he is, one of the IG’s happiest customers. . . .
>        Does Pavel know something the rest of us don’t? If the IG wanted
> this to be a cover-up for something else, why not the breath of Mukuru?
> What does "snailing whitely to heaven" mean here?
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