Under the Volcano

Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at uni-bonn.de
Fri Feb 21 01:25:00 CST 2014

Thanks! Could have used that book for my term paper on Lowry and the 
Kabbalah of twenty years ago...


Am 21.02.2014 04:03, schrieb Simon Bryquer:
> Taken a look at the book:
> The Private Labyrinth of Malcolm Lowry: Under the Volcano & the Cabbala'
> by Perle Epstein
> This is a very well done book/study. She examines Lowry's Kabbalistic
> influences in detail (following the story almost page by page) with
> interesting and, I must say, correct reference to both genuine
> influences ranging from true Kabbalist as well as individual such as
> Agrippa von Nettenshein and Bombastus von Hohenheim (better known as
> Paracelsus) and the obscure Frater Achad. aka  Charles Stansfeld Jones
> who Lowry regarded as a Magus of genuine talent.
> As to Gershom Scholem, probably Kabbalah's greatest scholar who
> singlehandedly brought back the study of Kabbalah from obscure
> superstitions of the Dark Ages of false magical powers to it's rightful
> place as the ancient and legitimate tradition of transmission that is
> Jewish Mysticism. But Malcolm Lowry as was Joyce,  for literary was
> drawn to the dramatic and flamboyant  aspects of kabbalah of which Perle
> Epstein speaks of and also she is a descendant of the Baal Shem Tov the
> 18th century Kabbalist. Lowry knew Kabbalah,  Joyce did not.
> As for Scholom, he  was once interviewed in Jerusalem where he was the
> first professor  as well as holding the Chair of Jewish Mysticism at
> Hebrew University., about his method of study and his answer was that he
> locks himself in his study, takes off all his clothes and approaches the
> Kabbalah completely naked.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Eckhardt"
> <thomas.eckhardt at uni-bonn.de>
> To: "alice malice" <alicewmalice at gmail.com>
> Cc: <pynchon-l at waste.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 2:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Under the Volcano
>> A great novel.
>> The Kabbalah plays an important role in it. Not the Madonna kind of
>> Kabbalah, I suspect, but certainly the Gershom Sholem kind.
>> Thomas
>> Am 19.02.2014 14:45, schrieb alice malice:
>>> There the bird was still, a long-winged dark furious shape, a little
>>> world of fierce despairs and dreams, and memories of floating high above
>>> Popocatepetl, mile on mile, to drop through the wilderness and alight,
>>> watching, in the timberline ghosts of ravaged mountain trees. With
>>> hurried quivering hands Yvonne began to unfasten the cage. The bird
>>> fluttered out of it and alighted at her feet, hesitated, took flight to
>>> the roof of El Petate, then abruptly flew off through the dusk. . . up
>>> soaring, with a sudden cleaving of pinions into the deep dark blue pure
>>> sky above, in which at that moment appeared one star.
>>> On this day in 1947 Malcolm Lowry's /Under the Volcano/ was published.
>>> http://val.fm/everything-merges-with-the-night-brian-eno-mp3/
>> -
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