Beyond the zero

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Feb 27 22:57:45 CST 2014

You already knew the answer, of course. But remember the graph as it
continues on and on beyond the zero, over and over.

On Thursday, February 27, 2014, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:

> If the zero is the x horizon, and the trajectory starts at zero, when the
> path returns to zero, where does the math take it next?  The answer should
> be obvious.
> David Morris
> On Thursday, February 27, 2014, Doc Sportello <coolwithdoc at<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','coolwithdoc at');>>
> wrote:
>> I'm only 20 pages in but I wanted to let it be known that I've begun,
>> which is not to say I'll finish, GR. I've been told that the title, among
>> countless other things, alludes to the trajectory of a rocket and the novel
>> itself. The "Beyond the Zero" epigraph to me invokes a graph of a negative
>> parabola that has two roots or zeros (I have a bachelors in Applied Math
>> but you don't need one to solve a polynomial). Anyway the von Braun quote
>> brings up the fact that the parabola doesn't end at the zeros but goes on
>> to infinity and it reminded me of Saturn via Keats "There is no death in
>> all the universe"
>> Anyhooz I'm sure you all have discussed it to death (there is no
>> death...) but to keep myself motivated I'll update you as I move along
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