Another Geopolitical Triumph For Vladimir Putin!

Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at
Wed Jul 2 16:03:14 CDT 2014

The "violent and deadly attempt by Yanukovitch to stop the protests" -- 
this is the heart of the matter, because the sniper attacks on unarmed 
protestors (you have certainly watched the rather disturbing videos?) 
very understandably inflamed the protestors so much that they did not 
accept the agreement of February 21 which called for federalization and 
the disarmament of paramilitary groups like Right Sector. They insisted 
that Yanukovitch must go. By now it has become clear to every informed 
and thinking person that this was a false flag attack. The snipers shot 
at both police and protesters. To give you only one example (you are 
certainly familiar with the Paets-Ashton phone call?): It has been 
stated by the head of the investigative commission in Kiev that the 
snipers most probably came from the side of the protestors. They 
definitely were not Berkut. The sniper attacks, he said, was like the 
Kennedy assassination: We will never know.

No, you will never read this in the NYT or in "Der Spiegel." It should 
be a headline.

I never said anything against demonstrators demanding a trade pact with 
the EU. I also believe that a good part of the protests were genuine and 
wholly legitimate. I also think that the February 21 agreement was okay, 
even if I had to hold my nose at watching Steinmeier shaking hands with 
the Swoboda Nazi whose name I always have to copy and paste from Wiki 
even though I know most of the letters to it.

As for how the thing was orchestrated by the US or the neocons (as I 
said, I wish something would do the same for German involvement), please 
see the articles I provided links to in reply to rich's post.


Am 02.07.2014 22:32, schrieb David Morris:
> It's funny. I seem to remember massive street protest demanding, at
> first, only a trade pact with EU, and then after a violent and
> deadly attempt by Yanukovitch to stop the protests, universal demands
> for Yanukovitch's departure (or arrest). So how did the neocons (inept
> at all logistics - only good at lies) engineer those protests?
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