Snake is back!

Jamie McKittrick jamiemckit at
Tue Jun 10 12:31:23 CDT 2014

I stopped playing after the second one, must delve further into the madness
at some point. Agree wholeheartedly though. It's completely bonkers but
absurdly great fun. A man possessed by the amputated arm of the twin clone
of his mortal enemy, working for an Illuminati-esque organisation called,
exclusively to another man whose brain has been altered, the
La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo. And that's not even a whole strand of the tapestry.
Ultimately though, I think Kojima's ideal MGS game would consist of
pressing one button over and over to move from cut-scene to cut-scene.

Appropriate music:

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Doc Sportello <coolwithdoc at>

> "Metal Gear Solid by Hideo Kojima, or as he's known around my crib, God."
> Damn straight Justin! I know trailers make everything look good but I have
> as much confidence in Mr. Kojima as I do in P.T. Anderson.
> I don't play a whole lot of video games but Metal Gear Solid definitely
> tops my list as one of the best video gaming experiences I've had. I
> remember staring at the jewel case for the game in total frustration and
> confusion when Meryl tells me her CODEC frequency is on the box. I thought
> some game developer lazily left it out of the game when I found it
> precisely where she said it was, on the fucking box! I remember being
> creeped out by Psycho Mantis "reading my mind" and happy to thwart his
> efforts by plugging the controller in the Player 2 port.
> Anyway, apologies for geeking-out here but I'm stoked for this next game.
> Finished GR btw, totally confusing, and just ordered "GR: Domination &
> Freedom" based on a top-notch Amazon customer review, hopefully that'll
> help me digest it.
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