Snake is back!
Doc Sportello
coolwithdoc at
Tue Jun 10 14:59:01 CDT 2014
I've only played the first 3 myself but this new one won't be exclusive to
one console so I'll prolly hop back in when it comes out.
I'd like to hear Kojima say "La Li Lu Le Lo" ten times fast.
On Jun 10, 2014 10:31 AM, "Jamie McKittrick" <jamiemckit at> wrote:
> I stopped playing after the second one, must delve further into the
> madness at some point. Agree wholeheartedly though. It's completely bonkers
> but absurdly great fun. A man possessed by the amputated arm of the twin
> clone of his mortal enemy, working for an Illuminati-esque organisation
> called, exclusively to another man whose brain has been altered, the
> La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo. And that's not even a whole strand of the tapestry.
> Ultimately though, I think Kojima's ideal MGS game would consist of
> pressing one button over and over to move from cut-scene to cut-scene.
> Appropriate music:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Doc Sportello <coolwithdoc at>
> wrote:
>> "Metal Gear Solid by Hideo Kojima, or as he's known around my crib, God."
>> Damn straight Justin! I know trailers make everything look good but I
>> have as much confidence in Mr. Kojima as I do in P.T. Anderson.
>> I don't play a whole lot of video games but Metal Gear Solid definitely
>> tops my list as one of the best video gaming experiences I've had. I
>> remember staring at the jewel case for the game in total frustration and
>> confusion when Meryl tells me her CODEC frequency is on the box. I thought
>> some game developer lazily left it out of the game when I found it
>> precisely where she said it was, on the fucking box! I remember being
>> creeped out by Psycho Mantis "reading my mind" and happy to thwart his
>> efforts by plugging the controller in the Player 2 port.
>> Anyway, apologies for geeking-out here but I'm stoked for this next game.
>> Finished GR btw, totally confusing, and just ordered "GR: Domination &
>> Freedom" based on a top-notch Amazon customer review, hopefully that'll
>> help me digest it.
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