Another Geopolitical Triumph For Vladimir Putin!

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Jun 29 18:38:35 CDT 2014

As with the promise and beginning of the US, one either believes that self-determination, democracy or incipient possibilities of democracy is a base sovereign good/right .....or one is not a social democrat. 

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On Jun 29, 2014, at 3:17 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:

> On Sunday, June 29, 2014, Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:
>> I certainly don't believe ultra right-wingers (aka Nazis or, in this case, Banderists) are your heroes. The evidence I provided merely shows that the neo-Nazi paramilitary units who brought about regime change on the Maidan are now rapidly becoming part of the military/the national guard. Obviously, you don't have a problem with that. I certainly do.
>> You seem to believe that these people will quietly disappear "once the country joins the West", or once parliamentary elections have taken place. I don't.
> I know that you are particularly (for obvious reasons) concerned about the rise of a neo-Nazi faction in Ukraine, but it seems almost an inevitable reaction against previous Communist (and then Putin) rule.  And if they are only a "part" of the mix, it is by no means certain they will take total control.  Unless a particular faction is banned by law, a democracy has to be a mix, no matter how bad some parts might smell.
> The alternative of a Putin-like strong arm rule isn't better.  To argue for Putin would be akin to the US propping up of anti-Communist dictators in the past. A brutal alternative, but maybe less politically messy.
>> All you say about Russia and Putin may well be true. I am not pro-Putin, I am anti-Nazi. And I try to first look at the beam in my own eye.
> Your eye-beam is a Nazi history.  I understand that.  But political repression often seems to ultimately foster an ugly reaction in the opposite direction.  The hope is that a saner balance will settle out given time.
> David Morris
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