Another stupid joak

Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at
Wed Apr 29 13:02:08 CDT 2015

Postscriptum: These joaks are best heard in their natural surroundings 
which add another dimension:

I would also like to suggest that the Silver Jews' "The Natural Bridge" 
has the best lyrics (literary lyrics, I mean -- there is nothing wrong 
with "I Want to Hold Your Hand", as far as I am concerned) heard in pop 
music since, uh, "Blonde on Blonde" or maybe Leonard Cohen's "The Future"?

For an ok take on the album that also happens to mention Thomas Pynchon, 
see here:

Am 29.04.2015 um 06:45 schrieb Thomas Eckhardt:
> Robot walks into a bar.
> Orders a drink, lays down a bill.
> Bartender says "Hey we don't serve robots,"
> and the robot says "no, but someday you will."

Pynchon-l /

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