M&D Deep Duck Read. About them CAPS.

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Mon Jan 5 09:05:31 CST 2015

In German (and Luxembourgish), all nouns are capitalized. This was
also practiced in Danish before the spelling reform of 1948, and in
English during the 18th century (as in Gulliver's Travels, and most of
the original 1787 United States Constitution).

But notice most of the common everyday things [nouns] are not Capped.
As if those THINGS are newly named, felt? as singular as one's Real
Name, always capped.

And, given the embracing happiness of Those Noun-Things, M & D
presents a world contrary to
the world of V. for whom Things, felt alone, oppressed, dispirited Benny P.
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