January 2015 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Jan 1 00:01:08 CST 2015
Ending: Sat Jan 31 23:33:06 CST 2015
Messages: 1573
- Happy NYE!
Dave Monroe
- TCM Remembers 2014
Dave Monroe
- Jazz for the New Year
Keith Davis
- NP - One sentence that shows how badly America failed in Afghanistan
alice malice
- The Nazis Next Door
Dave Monroe
- The Anti-Tolkien
Dave Monroe
- Happy New Year!
Keith Davis
- Improbably, Pynchon's 'Inherent Vice' translates well to the screen
Dave Monroe
- On This Day in Paracultural History for January 1!
Mark Thibodeau
- Pulp's Big Moment
Dave Monroe
- GR Translation: she has lost her surface
Mike Jing
- NP - Into the Woods - movie
David Morris
- Against the Day: Pynchon's Magnum Opus?
gary webb
- On This Day in Paracultural History for Dec 31
Mark Kohut
- test & Happy New Year
Erik T. Burns
- How did Inherent Vice, a seemingly un-adaptable novel, make it to the screen?
Dave Monroe
- On This Day in Paracultural History Jan 2
Mark Thibodeau
- A Visual Crash Course in All the Deaths in Shakespeare’s Tragedies
Dave Monroe
- trailer (so to speak) for the M&D Duck Read, starting tomorrow
Mark Kohut
- Happy 123rd Birthday, J. R.R. Tolkien!
Dave Monroe
- Country Joe and the Fish T-Shirt
Dave Monroe
- On This Day in ParaCultural History for Jan 3
Mark Thibodeau
- 2014
Thomas Eckhardt
- 2015
Thomas Eckhardt
- 2014: The Death of the Postmodern Novel and the Rise of Autofiction – Flavorwire
Mark Kohut
- Lewis Mumford
Mark Kohut
- When (and how) does the Mason & Dixon group reading begin?
Mark Thibodeau
- Thanks
Thomas Eckhardt
- M&D preambulatory profferings
John Bailey
- Anderson chooses a W.A.S.T.E. cinema to open in. Right On!
Mark Kohut
- Family Resemblance or the Lack of Boundaries and the Distance from Exactness
alice malice
- 17 Brilliant Short Novels You Can Read in a Sitting
Dave Monroe
- The end of language as we know it?
Dave Monroe
- Few outside the Russian propaganda bubble ever seriously entertained the Kremlin’s line.
alice malice
- M&D Duck Read. Publishing pre-history.
Mark Kohut
- M&D Duck Read. Simple complex obs.
Mark Kohut
- On This Day in ParaCultural History, Jan 4, 2015
Mark Thibodeau
- M&D cover: The Ampersand looks like Triple SIX (666)
Mark Thibodeau
- M&D Deep Duck Read (it is supposed to be). The publishing of it and an inside tidbit, maybe, & chance.
Mark Kohut
- NP - Borgman (movie)
David Morris
- Does it not say something about Pynchon as an artist...
Mark Thibodeau
- M&D Deep Duck Read. Mock-epic
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: Yes well Pirate’s Chapel himself.
Mike Jing
- M&D Deep Duck Read. That Line.
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep Duck Read.
Mark Kohut
- Part One - I - The first Paragraph and the First Sentence
Mark Thibodeau
- The woods in the rumpus room - Pine, Cherry and (not much) Mahogany
Mark Thibodeau
- Pynchon's Blue Shadow
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's Mrs. Dalloway
Dave Monroe
- Blue Meanies take New York
mutualcode at aol.com
- M&D Deep Duck Read. Pure speculation on sources of his M & D creativity
Mark Kohut
- Ludd Was Right
David Morris
- M&D Deep Duck Read. About them CAPS.
Mark Kohut
- Episode 565 - Paul Thomas Anderson
Dave Monroe
- M & D Deep Duck Read. Pop quiz
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck Read. That wonderful Card Table
Mark Kohut
- Infinite Jest in Legos!
Dave Monroe
- Director Paul Thomas Anderson ‘can’t help’ mining Golden State again
Dave Monroe
- Watch/Listen: Over 2.5 Hours Of Interviews With Paul Thomas Anderson, Katherine Waterston & More For 'Inherent Vice'
Dave Monroe
- sportello
Dave Monroe
- sortilege
Dave Monroe
- Happy 12th Night: Let Mardi Gras Begin!
David Morris
- Fwd: MarkKohut (@MarkKohut) shared a conversation with you!
Mark Kohut
- M & D DeepDuck Read. On Carl Becker
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep Duck Read. On science.
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep Duck Read. Philadelphia
Mark Kohut
- on Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon
Dave Monroe
- On Jan 5th in Paracultural History
Mark Thibodeau
- The Wizard of Watts
alice malice
- M&D Deep Duck Read. 1786
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep Duck Read. First cuppa coffee post
Mark Kohut
- Post-Apartheid Gothic Fiction
alice malice
- "Cherrycoke" sounds a bit like a scrambled version of "Cherokee" to me.
Mark Thibodeau
- Omnidirectionally the course of empire takes its way
Monte Davis
- Free screening of IV in New York
James Kyllo
- GR translation: There passes for Pirate and Katje a brief segment of a much longer chronicle
Mike Jing
- Get on the bus with Denver-bound Paul Thomas Anderson
Dave Monroe
- ParaCultural Calendar for Jan 6, 2015
Mark Thibodeau
- M&D. The Unreliable, repetitive Host
Mark Kohut
- Inherent Vice (2014)
Dave Monroe
- peripeteia
Dave Monroe
- Coffee is the greatest drink known to man. Here's why
Mark Kohut
- M&D. the colonial economy
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep Duck Read. Father of Lies.
Mark Kohut
- M& D Deep Ducking. Latitudes and Departures
Mark Kohut
- M & D. Deep Aping.
Mark Kohut
- M & D. 'scuse me while I pierce the sky'.
Mark Kohut
- Imperium
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- M & D Deep Duck narration
Mark Kohut
- Forces of Entropy
mutualcode at aol.com
- Ten Books that Shaped the British Empire
Dave Monroe
- Read these 12 Books before the Films Come out ,,,
Dave Monroe
- NP - Here's a Quickie Checklist of Global Economic Worries (Russia is irrelevant)
David Morris
- "...as the Distance to a Star."
mutualcode at aol.com
- Sight & Sound: the February 2015 issue
Dave Monroe
- In Brief: Conservatives Need to Be Careful How They Condemn the Paris Shooting
David Morris
- M & D on metaphor
Mark Kohut
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- M & D Duck follow
Mark Kohut
- It All Connects (again)
Monte Davis
- Adam Curtis pulling very some Pynchon shapes. . .
M Thomas Stevenson
- Isis, Syria and Iraq: The Zone
- M & D ducking the response?
Mark Kohut
- M & D DEEP competitiveness of DUCKS and Humans
Mark Kohut
- #JeSuisCharlie
Dave Monroe
- " The Enlightenment is over"
Mark Kohut
- On This Day in Paracultural History
Mark Thibodeau
- M & D Deep Duck 2 and the Imp
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck Constitution
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck: arc of years
Mark Kohut
- Grandsire Cherrycoke
mutualcode at aol.com
- Not Pynchon but freedom
Mark Kohut
- N & D Deep Duck's Tempest
Mark Kohut
- Tony Tanner: The American Mystery
Mike Weaver
- Blasphemy (with a signature): Non-Anonomous Confrontation
David Morris
- on Pragmatism
Mark Kohut
- Inherent Vice Ultimate '70s Trailer (2014)
Dave Monroe
- So when do we get a film of Pynchon’s tech novel, Bleeding Edge?
Dave Monroe
- ‘Inherent Vice’ Is A Gorgeous, Infuriating Ode To The Addled, Alienated 1970s
Dave Monroe
- 15 British Sweets Everyone Should Try
David Morris
- Paul Thomas Anderson struggles with Thomas Pynchon's 'Inherent Vice'
Dave Monroe
- ‘Inherent Vice’: a detective tale that’s too trippy
Dave Monroe
- Paul Thomas Anderson on adapting Thomas Pynchon's Inherent Vice and the bittersweet joys of a great cast
Dave Monroe
- INHERENT VICE Playing at a torrent site near you
Allan Balliett
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 8
Mark Thibodeau
- A.Word.A.Day--litterateur
Dave Monroe
- interosculate
Dave Monroe
- M & D dogging the Duck Read
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck, deeper into the Audience.
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Tenebrae
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck Vista
Mark Kohut
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep Duck Read. Either a repeat post or another variation
Mark Kohut
- David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell
David Morris
- Absorbing Wick: E.P Thompson & From the Upper West Side to Wick Episcopi
alice malice
- PTA on Why He Made IV
Dave Monroe
- M&D Source Thomas D. Cope
alice malice
- M & D Deep Duck is hard
Mark Kohut
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 9
Mark Thibodeau
- IV
Keith Davis
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #11084
Krafft, John M.
- Bret Easton Ellis Talks Paul Thomas Anderson’s Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- M&D Deep Duck Reborn
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep Duck Self-Determination
Mark Kohut
- M& D Deep Duck Separation of Church & State
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck Misc.
Mark Kohut
- Today, January 10 in history. Brave new world. (pre-Paracultural-Calendar posting).
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck letters
Mark Kohut
- Katherine Waterston is ready for your lame questions about that ‘Inherent Vice’ sex scene
Dave Monroe
- NP. This joke may be about me and The Master. Funny anyway.
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck. Go East, Young Man.
Mark Kohut
- M&D DUCK Sailing to Philadelphia
Jamie McKittrick
- M & D Ducking it
Mark Kohut
- Fw: Re: M & D Deep Duck. Go East, Young Man.
kelber at mindspring.com
- Thomas Pynchon's Stoner Comedy
Dave Monroe
- GR translation: trains full of their own hanging off the cars that lumber overhead
Mike Jing
- The movie
Mark Kohut
- http://www.sfgate.com/books/article/Novelist-Robert-Stone-dies-at-age-77-6007131.php
Mark Kohut
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 10, 2015
Mark Thibodeau
- M & D Deep Duck grieving
Mark Kohut
- dissapointing
Toby Levy
- The 'Difficult' is easy.
Mark Wright
- M & D Duck Read, map, line and territory.
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck. Chap 3.
Mark Kohut
- M & D Traversing the Deep Duck Read
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Country Duck vs City Duck
Mark Kohut
- M &B D Duck Read. "postcards of the hanging"--Dylan
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck Motrix
Mark Kohut
- NOT M & D but IV
Mark Kohut
- Does a good movie require a good plot?
Dave Monroe
- Salman Rushdie
Keith Davis
- NPynchon but a free SF book
Mark Kohut
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 11
Mark Thibodeau
- TP on the shelves, not M&D
matthew cissell
- NP but "they" in another book
matthew cissell
- that movie
Mark Wright
- M & D Ducking Deep Jokes
Mark Kohut
- NP but PBlegvad
Allan Balliett
- Pynchon Experience
Keith Davis
- M&D Deep Duck: Occidentation
Monte Davis
- Charlie Brooker's 2014 Wipe
- M&D Deep Duck: "when the world was yet feudal"
Monte Davis
- M&D new question
Joseph Tracy
- non-P. the late Robert Stone
Mark Wright
- Inherent Vice (movie review)
Dave Monroe
- Laugher and Terror
Dave Monroe
- M&D Deep Duck Ch. 3: Innocent merriment
Monte Davis
- A Naked Singularity
Dave Monroe
- Slavoj Žižek on the Charlie Hebdo massacre: Are the worst really full of passionate intensity?
Dave Monroe
- The One that Got Away: On Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- New trailer
Christoph Perec
- What go around come around & Who is haunting whom? p.8
alice malice
- M&D.8 "when the World was yet feudal (that is, Preindustrial)
alice malice
- NP but Murakami (mentioning Pynchon)
John Bailey
- M & D Deep outpouring
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck buddy movie
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck suspicion
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep Duck Emerson
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck dress
Mark Kohut
- Not M &D but the blitz. misc.
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck acceptance and friendship beginning?
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck, another (binary) distinction
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck, another voice, like the other voices, on the topic of America
Mark Kohut
- Paracultural Calendar Jan 12
Mark Thibodeau
- I know a lot of folks here think Zizek is a fool, but...
Mark Thibodeau
- 'Inherent Vice' an engrossing fever dream
Dave Monroe
- Here's Why You Hated 'Inherent Vice' (and Why You Might Need to see it Again)
Dave Monroe
- NP, not M&D from an essay in NYT called How Reading Transforms Us
Mark Kohut
- M&D "Meaningless" Failed Frontiersmen: White Men & Myth
alice malice
- M&D Deep Duck: Contract with the City
Monte Davis
- Joaquin Phoenix's Forehead is a FACE!!!
Mark Thibodeau
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 13
Mark Thibodeau
- Mason at the Theatre of Tyburn
alice malice
- Pynchon's Cameo in IV (PIC)
Lemuel Underwing
- Every Thomas Pynchon Novel, Briefly Ranked
Dave Monroe
- How clever do we want our machines to be?
Dave Monroe
- M & D Deep Duck meets Learned Dog
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck and deeper Dog.
Mark Kohut
- M&D p 6: the Distance to a Star
Monte Davis
- M&D p. 9: the Crime they styl'd Anonymity
Monte Davis
- M&D p. 21 How do YOU pronounce 'Bodine'..?
Monte Davis
- M&D p. 10: you know the sort of thing I mean
Monte Davis
- Misc. on that sort of thing....
Mark Kohut
- Jules Siegel article
Paul Gaver
- NOT P< NOT M< NOT D but (a face on) Ev'ry STONE
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep History Cartographies Imagined
alice malice
- M&D Deep Meaninglessness
mutualcode at aol.com
- IV/Vineland: Iceland Spar
mutualcode at aol.com
- Total Film Magazine IV review
Allan Balliett
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 14
Mark Thibodeau
- The Big Bad Wolf and the No Little Pigs - The Washington Post
Mark Kohut
- The Game of IV
Jamie McKittrick
- NP Not M&D but Lew Archer
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck continues.
Mark Kohut
- M&D: Playlist Addition
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- M D Deep Duck Bovine
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep Duck Soulless?
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck and a Dog's Life
Mark Kohut
- Not M &D
Mark Kohut
- Dictionary.com Word of the Day
Dave Monroe
- Kosmos: Russian space flights of the imagination {January 23rd, 2015}
Dave Monroe
- Only adapted screenplay nom
Mark Kohut
- “Dear Willie” — William H. Gass Writes to William Gaddis
Dave Monroe
- “Those involved. Wyatt — A painter” — William Gaddis’s autograph notes for The Recognitions
Dave Monroe
- German Colonialism in a Global Age
Dave Monroe
- Paul Thomas Anderson Reveals Secrets of Stoner Odyssey 'Inherent Vice'
Dave Monroe
- Joaquin Phoenix gets stoned in ‘Inherent Vice’
Dave Monroe
- oaquin Phoenix mesmerizes in Paul Thomas Anderson’s adaptation of the psychedelic Thomas Pynchon novel
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice review (alibi.com)
Dave Monroe
- The Man in the High Castle (2015)
Dave Monroe
- IV @ The Oscars
Dave Monroe
- NP - While We Were Suising Charlie...
David Morris
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 15
Mark Thibodeau
- Pynchon Wiki: Bleeding Edge
Dave Monroe
- NP but me
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck circus act
Mark Kohut
- M D Deep Duck beer rush
Mark Kohut
- M & D Cockfighting
Mark Kohut
- Jeffrey St. Clair on Charlie Hebdo and Pynchon
Thomas Eckhardt
- Thomas Carlyle and the French Revolution
- The United States of Alcohol
Dave Monroe
- Anarchy
David Morris
- Inherent Vice: why Thomas Pynchon is made for the movies
rbollinger at austin.rr.com
- Playlist M&D like Desmond & Brubeck with a twist
alice malice
- “Inherent Vice” Inherently Awesome
Dave Monroe
- Hippie Noir
Dave Monroe
- How books get lost in translation
Dave Monroe
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 16
Mark Thibodeau
- I review my review of Thomas Pynchon’s novel Inherent Vice an hour before seeing PTA’s film adaptation
Dave Monroe
- M & D Deep Duck windiness
Mark Kohut
- To the Roundedness question
Mark Kohut
- another Pynchon koan
Mark Kohut
- Misc. on a dog's life
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck bad luck
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck "Elan or Esprit or whatever...."
Mark Kohut
- M & D Deep Duck at Gatsby's pier?
Mark Kohut
- M&D is Pynchon Heavy (fat and unbound characters)
alice malice
- M. & D Deep Duck Kingship
Mark Kohut
- M&D playlist
Thomas Eckhardt
- Scoring Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Gatsby
Keith Davis
- M&D Wicks's Black Anonymity/Insanity: Crimes by the Stronger against the Weaker
alice malice
- M & D deep duck in a tempest
Mark Kohut
- M&D Deep Duck: 4-6
- M&D Deep Duck: Section 4 summary
kelber at mindspring.com
- M&D Deep Duck: Section 5 summary
kelber at mindspring.com
- M&D Deep Duck: Section 6 summary
kelber at mindspring.com
- Can You Spot Thomas Pynchon in P.T. Anderson's Inherent Vice Trailer?
Dave Monroe
- grief
Mark Thibodeau
- Paracultural Calendar for January 17
Mark Thibodeau
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 18
Mark Thibodeau
- M&D Deep Duck: Why Start Here?
kelber at mindspring.com
- M&D Deep Duck 4-6: The Channel
kelber at mindspring.com
- A.Word.A.Day--ultracrepidarian
Dave Monroe
- M&D Deep Duck 4-6: A glitch!
kelber at mindspring.com
- Pornography remains a major influence on Paul Thomas Anderson
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice and the Modern Audience’s Ambiguity Problem
Dave Monroe
- M & D read
James Robertson
- Not M&D. Maybe, vaguely, GR
Ian Livingston
- Red Nightmare (1962)
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice -- Film Review (NME)
Dave Monroe
- M&D Deep Duck 4-6: Equator
kelber at mindspring.com
- M&D Deep Duck 4-6: Line-Crossing Ceremony
kelber at mindspring.com
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 19
Mark Thibodeau
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 20
Mark Thibodeau
- Fwd: Zak Smith. William Vollmann. This weekend. Show.
Dave Monroe
- Misc on M & D time: First American novel, 1789, epistolary as Kai mentioned.
Mark Kohut
- American Cornball
Dave Monroe
- M&D Deep Duck 4-6: Loxodrome
kelber at mindspring.com
- NP but Black Panther history
David Kilroy
- OOPS! (William Gaddis)
Dave Monroe
- Books that Should be Movies
Dave Monroe
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 21
Mark Thibodeau
- tweet re P in film
James Kyllo
- OT women make groups smarter MIT study
Joseph Tracy
- NP - Batman
David Morris
- Inherent Vice release dates
matthew cissell
- M&D Deep Duck Where are all the children?
alice malice
Dave Monroe
- Could a robot write a novel?
Dave Monroe
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Joseph Tracy
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
kelber at mindspring.com
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
kelber at mindspring.com
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Mark Kohut
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Monte Davis
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
David Ewers
- Fwd: terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Mark Kohut
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Mark Kohut
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
David Ewers
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Mark Kohut
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
David Ewers
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
jochen stremmel
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Monte Davis
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Mark Kohut
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness in the transit of Planet Pynchon
David Ewers
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
alice malice
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
alice malice
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
alice malice
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
David Ewers
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
alice malice
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Mark Kohut
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Mark Kohut
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
kelber at mindspring.com
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Keith Davis
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Joseph Tracy
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
alice malice
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
alice malice
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Mark Kohut
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Keith Davis
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Joseph Tracy
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
John Bailey
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Mark Kohut
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Joseph Tracy
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
David Morris
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
David Ewers
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Mark Kohut
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
kelber at mindspring.com
- Fwd: calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Mark Kohut
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Becky Lindroos
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
alice malice
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
alice malice
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
jochen stremmel
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
alice malice
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Thomas Eckhardt
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Mark Kohut
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Thomas Eckhardt
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Thomas Eckhardt
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Mark Kohut
- calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus-
Mark Kohut
- terror,paranoia,hilarity and calculated madness on the way to the transit of Venus- tone in chapters 456
Joseph Tracy
- M&D Deep Duck 4-6: Ethelmer, Foplings and Upstarts
kelber at mindspring.com
- IV (2014)--3 reviews
Dave Monroe
- It is 3 Minutes to Midnight
Dave Monroe
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 22
Mark Thibodeau
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 22, addendum!
Mark Thibodeau
- M&D Deep Duck 6: Equator-crossing and the Royal Baby
James Robertson
- NP - For the Deadheads on the list
matthew cissell
- Project Loon
Dave Monroe
- M & D deep duck: section 4 — orders not to sail. Puzzled.
James Robertson
- Can Paul Thomas Anderson do justice to Pynchon's wit and imagination?
Dave Monroe
- Jim Rockford Warned Us About Google And Facebook Back In 1978
Dave Monroe
- 4210 The Strand
Dave Monroe
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 23
Mark Thibodeau
alice malice
- Paranoia und Melancholie
Dave Monroe
- Verschwörungscartoon
Dave Monroe
- GR translation: You all set to go round ’n’ round with thim
Mike Jing
- Aw, man... I always thought Tangerine Dream would be perfect to score a Gravity's Rainbow movie
Mark Thibodeau
- Roger Ebert on the Martin Short film CLIFFORD...
Mark Thibodeau
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 24
Mark Thibodeau
- Eric Blowtorch sings Thomas Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Paul Thomas Anderson brings Pynchon to the big screen for the very first time
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon's cameo ...?
Dave Monroe
- Very misc.
Mark Kohut
- “The Texan” (#41): The best little book on Texas that probably doesn't exist
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: M & D deep duck: section 4 -- orders not to sail. Puzzled.
Mark Kohut
- MISC. NP. since we have talked about mindfulness here
Mark Kohut
- PDF of Madness & Civilization
alice malice
- For the love of Venus, Pain, Stephanie
alice malice
- Dean King's Sea of Words an PO Lexicon & Harbors and High Seas
alice malice
- Kute Korrespondence, Kohut Konnection Only
Mark Kohut
- Big + Beautiful Data
Dave Monroe
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 25
Mark Thibodeau
- little paranoia joke
Mark Kohut
- M&D random thought about L.E.D. and song.
Mark Thibodeau
Dave Monroe
- You're a Luddite? Don't Worry, It's Human Nature
David Morris
- M&D Deep Duck 4-6: The Whole Sick Crew
kelber at mindspring.com
- IV reviews (Radio Times, The List)
Dave Monroe
- The “Bong” Goodbye: On Thomas Pynchon’s Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 26
Mark Thibodeau
- 50- best cult books
Dave Monroe
- 'Everything is so joyfully convoluted'
Dave Monroe
- Slothrop the Leprechaun
Keith Davis
- How to adapt a difficult book for the screen
Dave Monroe
- Let's all Inhale: Thomas Pynchon Goes to the Movies
Dave Monroe
- GR translation: Electric Charlie’s in there now
Mike Jing
- Coy Harlingen
Keith Davis
- Bitter Lake by Adam Curtis now online
Mark Thibodeau
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 27
Mark Thibodeau
- North Carolina's Pope & USA's New Gilded Age
David Morris
- M&D Deep Duck 4-6: Yet another reason M&D starts at sea
kelber at mindspring.com
- Pynchon is a novelist of ideas. yes? Discuss.
Mark Kohut
- Thomas Pynchon's novel adapted for the screen (World Socialist Web Site)
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice Review (Den of Geek)
Dave Monroe
- An intoxicating trip into paranoid 1970s America
Dave Monroe
- The Greatest Geek
Dave Monroe
- Thus Were Their Faces
Dave Monroe
- 51 Of The Most Beautiful Sentences In Literature
Dave Monroe
- The 50 Best First Sentences in Fiction
Dave Monroe
- (np) New York discussion of Black Notebooks on video
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- not pynchon. translation
Mark Kohut
- no wonder Pynchon is seen at his plays.
Mark Kohut
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 28
Mark Thibodeau
- And, playing catchup, Paracultural Calendar for Jan 29th!
Mark Thibodeau
- Inherent Vice UK
Mike Weaver
- NP - Here's What's at the Heart of the Crisis in Greece
David Morris
- Thomas Pynchon's own mother wouldn't recognize it
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice #Pynchonpostcards competition from Vintage
Dave Monroe
- Murakami on Inherent Vice (?)
Dave Monroe
- cool day news
Dave Monroe
- Paul Thomas Anderson on his revolutionary stoner comedy
Dave Monroe
- Queen of Earth (2015)
Dave Monroe
- IV: Been meaning to point out
Mark Kohut
- Deliriously masterful sunlight noir
Dave Monroe
- Film Review - Inherent Vice (Huffington Post UK)
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson
Dave Monroe
- Another of them there 'overtones" (or is it undertones)
Mark Kohut
- IV movie reviews, the Internet at large, puke...
Jamie McKittrick
- Pynchonesque Coincidence in INHERENT VICE
Paul Evans
- Pynchon @ PRAE 41
Dave Monroe
- "The Blue Jay" by Billy Gaddis
Dave Monroe
- Splendor in the Grass (J. Hoberman on IV @ Artforum)
Dave Monroe
- PTA on IV (BBC)
Dave Monroe
- Beautiful but hazy shades of Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Paul Thomas Anderson on adapting Pynchon, directing Day-Lewis and keeping the melancholy at bay
Dave Monroe
- Film Review: Inherent Vice (So So Gay Magazine)
Dave Monroe
- Panic at the Dictionary
Dave Monroe
- Thanatoids @ The Ambiguities
Dave Monroe
- Paracultural Calendar for Jan 30
Mark Thibodeau
- Inherent Virtue
Mike Weaver
- Greece is a pawn that has captured nothing
alice malice
- The Balloon Chums IRL
Mark Kohut
- Film reviews: Inherent Vice | Kingsman
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice--video review (The Guardian)
Dave Monroe
- night pynchon
Dave Monroe
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 23:33:06 CST 2015
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:09:34 CST 2018
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