M & D Duck follow

alice malice alicewmalice at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 04:58:27 CST 2015

"Nobody has blinded me!"

- Odysseus

I'm too busy to look into it just now, but I know we've discussed this
at  length in the past, and we will, I'm sure, take it up again

the Wicked man in the Cherry Cloak, burning his wick here now is
"guilty" of the Author Function;  Foucault, in several essays,
explains the history of anonymity, authorship, the crimes of
authorship and anonymity, the punishments, the Saint Jerome school of
Literary Criticism....etc...and,

of course the Pynchoeon Family that Hawthorne new so well -- one he
unearthed, as much as his own, perhaps to expiate but not exonerate,
but surely to record (some, as our frame narrator tells us  are not
even recorded), included not only a man who, like the biblical Ahab,
covets another man's land, accuses him of being a devil, executes him,
takes the land, as Judge Pyncheon does to poor Matthew in HSG--had a
famous or infamous author whose book was burned.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 2:43 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com> wrote:
> David Ewers writes:
> page 9
> The crime of "Anonymity" - as in posting publicly without attaching
> your identity to your words, seems prescient to me, considering so
> much on-line debate today, 'flaming', etc.
> nice link...I just saw it as a metaphor for the upcoming
> --1800s--future of strangers everywhere...
> One could not be Anonymous easily in times of small towns, farms,
> cities that were real neighborhoods, generally.......notice he got
> caught.
> See Baudelaire on streets of Paris, for example...the anonymity of
> most industrial revolution work in factories, etc....
> Another way he is a heretic?...he is the character caught between two
> worlds, the Christian and the
> coming modernity...
> -
> Pynchon-l / http://www.waste.org/mail/?list=pynchon-l
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