Salman Rushdie

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Jan 11 19:33:50 CST 2015

I used to see him waiting for publishing folks on the ground floor of
the Flatiron Building where I worked. He was without Secret Service
but not yet "out". Then, years later when he was touring on his own
again, he filled the 4th floor upstairs of the Union Square B &N...(he
phoned this talk in that night, I have to say)..I watched the
autograph line for awhile, it was dwindling down...and I moseyed down
those three long, long escalators and walked outside, turned right and
almost bumped into him catching up with Pashma (?) on the sidewalk.,
just another couple in Union Square. Like a time-slip, strange,  but
he had obviously come down a service elevator and come out a back
door. it was not long before they parted as a couple.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 8:25 PM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:
> Funny, my brother says his favorite is Shalimar. I'm looking forward to all of it.
> Happy New Year to all. I'm fortunate to be associated with a crew as sick as ya'll!
> (Yes, I said ya'll. At least I didn't say "all a ya'll ").
> Love always,
> Bob
>> On Jan 11, 2015, at 6:30 PM, Becky Lindroos <bekker2 at> wrote:
>> Omg - yes!  Imo,  that's his best best work.  "Midnight's Children" is close,  but it's kind of harder in ways.  That said,  it won the Man Booker (1981),  the Booker of Bookers (1993), and the Best of the Bookers (2008).
>> The Moor's Last Sigh" was good,  but "Fury," "Shame," and "The Ground Beneath Her Feet," were stupid. "Shalimar the Clown" was okay.  I rather enjoyed "The Enchantress of Florence," although I am likely a minority.  Never read Grimus - the only novel by Rushdie I haven't read.  His biography is pretty interesting although in places it sounds like a tribute to those who helped him in the fatwa and a trashing of those who didn't.
>> Bek
>> babbling
>>> On Jan 11, 2015, at 2:58 PM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:
>>> Just finished reading The Satanic Verses. What a killer book! ;-) Look forward to more Rushdie.
>>> Pynchon-l /
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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