TP on the shelves, not M&D

matthew cissell mccissell at
Mon Jan 12 05:19:47 CST 2015

Dear all,

  Having just returned from the states I thought I would offer up my view
on where TP stands in comparison to other writers from his cohort e.g. W.
Gass, J, Barthes or R. Coover.

  I was in Illinois over the holidays and when I could I went to
bookstores, looking into a couple of used bookstores and 3 different Barnes
& Noble locations from Southern Illinois to Chicago. Now, I know it's a
small sample and hardly scientific but the conclusion was clear: TP is on
the shelves and the others are not generally present. Whatsmore, I noticed
that IV has come out in a movie paperback with Joaquin's face on the cover.
It seems to me that he is very much out in front of the pack.

   (In one B&N outside Champaign-Urbana, I saw Luc Herman and Steven
Weisenburger's "GR, Domination and Freedom"! Not many TP scholars can that.)

  It would be interesting to see if other folks noticed something similar,
I expect there could be some regional differences. (Maybe more John Barthes
in Marlyland stores?)

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