Dictionary.com Word of the Day

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 07:22:45 CST 2015

Word of the Day

Thursday, January 15, 2015

mackle \ MAK-uhl \  , verb;

1. to blur, as from a double impression in printing.

1. a blur in printing, as from a double impression.


Her arms were mackled  red like a measles suffererfrom being pricked
and scraped with the cut grassends, and she had a big blood-filled
blister in the webof skin between her thumb and forefinger.
-- Charles Frazier, Cold Mountain , 1997

Who can peruse, with satisfaction, a letter written invillainous,
unreadable characters, or a book with manyof its pages torn out and
others mutilated, or anewspaper with its columns mackled , monked,
-- Samuel Kirkham, An Essay on Elocution , 1834


Mackle  is a variant of the Latin word macula  meaning"spot, blemish."

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