M&D Deep Duck Soulless?
Mark Kohut
mark.kohut at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 09:07:13 CST 2015
I might go so far, since this is the second linking of suchlike
experience with 'insanity'
and because of his other books, esp Against the Day that P suggests
that trying to get such 'ultimate
meaning' is 'crazy'...that the paradox of a koan might be the ultimate
understanding for us.
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 9:31 AM, David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
> "The Learned Dog tells of KOANS.....which drive one to insanity when
> meditated on....
> second time the word insanity is used about a mystical-like experience..."
> Some say that enlightenment requires embracing paradox, and a koan is one
> way to loosen the mind (mental yoga) to be able to do so.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_paradoxes
> http://www.ashidakim.com/zenkoans/zenindex.html
> David Morris
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 6:06 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The Learned Dog tells of KOANS.....which drive one to insanity when
>> meditated on....
>> second time the word insanity is used about a mystical-like experience...
>> Insanity is the social condition of mystical and religious belief in
>> the Age of Reason?, once again
>> MADNESS AND CIVILIZATION as a paradigm book.
>> From the wiki article on MADNESS AND CIVILIZATION "in the Renaissance
>> the mad were portrayed in art as possessing a kind of wisdom - a
>> knowledge of the limits of our world"...
>> which comes to my mind when I read The Learned Dog declare
>> emphatically he is not supernatural, there is
>> 'ever an Explanation"..
>> and from that great leg-puller, ironist of irony, it is a talking dog
>> doing the declaring.
>> Samuel Johnson on a badly-walking-on-two-legs dog: "it is not that he
>> does it badly but that he does it at all'
>> [paraphrase actually, so check out for perfection]
>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 6:50 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > p. 22....Mason, from the ongoing grief of the loss of his wife, after
>> > suggesting to Dixon that they
>> > should investigate the Learned Dog for Metempsychosis reasons, at
>> > least p.19....after asking why are there still not
>> > Oracles...Gate--Ways to Futurity.....
>> >
>> > must ask tLD if he has a soul...
>> >
>> > I would say, off the top, Mason is sorta-obsessed with whether Death
>> > is The End or there is an After, wouldn't you? [tangential: we might
>> > remember the von Braun quote in GR. More heretically tangential: we
>> > might remember TRP's lifelong remembering of his great pal, Richard
>> > F.?]
>> >
>> > The doubts of a religious man. There was a time in the West when no
>> > (religious) person would even have such doubts. Dante's time did not,
>> > right Monte? and TRP fave Henry Adams said about the same of the time
>> > of building Mont-Saint Michel and Chartes.
>> > Becker suggests that Acquinas's massive Summa came about as his and
>> > his time's edifice against doubt...
>> >
>> > But, doubtlessly, religious doubt at least was ushered in with the
>> > Enlightenment.
>> -
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