NP- Greece

Jamie McKittrick jamiemckit at
Wed Jul 8 04:14:05 CDT 2015

It's like when Bill Hicks is going on about that bit from Shane.

"Pick up the gun."
"I don't wanna pick it up, mister."
"Pick up the gun."
"No, I really don't..."
"Pick up the gun."
He picks up the gun and gets shot and dies.
"You all saw him, he had a gun."

Replace *gun* with *money*, and *shot and dies* with *loan repayment

On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 8:03 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:

> A nice summary:
> " It appears that Greece was not very properly run for a very long time,
> and it also appears that the various vampires and lycanthropes of the
> international banking community saw the same kind of target-rich
> environment that drives people to put lots of gun shops and liquor stores
> in poorer neighborhoods <> and
> they loaned right into it."
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