NP- Greece

Kai Frederik Lorentzen lorentzen at
Wed Jul 8 05:34:29 CDT 2015

Just saw and heard Tsipras talk in the European Parliament. For the very 
first time he did admit that Greece is a corrupted country that needs 
radical reforms. However, he did not have any reform suggestions to 
offer and, again,  promised them for the coming "two or three days." The 
ECB warns Greece that the emergency help is running out. So is time ... 
Greece should have had the Grexit much earlier, but the Varoufakis 
faction in the Syriza party convinced the country that it could have the 
cake and eat it too, stay inside the euro zone while breaking all the 
rules. The bill, or so Greeks think, should be payed by the taxpayers of 
the other euzo zone countries. And this includes the people from 
Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia who are all poorer 
than the Greeks. Can you imagine what they think about that 'pride, 
honor & dignity' stuff they have to hear from Athens every day?

Happy Grexit!

 > While the state insolvency creates chaos, an exit offers the 
opportunity to overcome that chaos. <

Pynchon-l /

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