the honorable woman
David Morris
fqmorris at
Tue Jul 14 23:29:08 CDT 2015
"Please don't think I think you like you."
The Rebel's call
On Tuesday, July 14, 2015, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> I guess I am seduced by the style/structure of The Honorable Woman more
> than any Verite of its depiction of the real and complex issues of the
> story it uses as its raison de etre. As a teen I was a sucker for LeCarre.
> There is also a very sensual side of its filming. It is sophisticated
> entertainment IMHO.
> David Morris
> On Tuesday, July 14, 2015, rich <richard.romeo at
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','richard.romeo at');>> wrote:
>> Joseph
>> I highly recommend The Promise made in the UK a few years back. No
>> illusions about the present occupation and the civil war in the late 40s.
>> would never be made in this country.
>> rich
>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:
>>> This movie was awful. Saw it months ago. Full of stereotypes and
>>> absurdity pushed far past the boundaries of any valuable insight into the
>>> struggles in the region. I mean really. The story line was a load of
>>> melodramatic shit and constant betrayal designed to push every emotional
>>> button but without real sympathy for the people .
>>> If you want to watch something worthwhile there is a documentary about
>>> Israeli and Palestinian parents who have lost children in this conflict
>>> and are working for peace. These are real people.
>>> We have young man in our Quaker meeting who is training at Bennington
>>> College as a crisis mediator/ombudperson who just returned 4 months ago
>>> from the region. He was very evenhanded in his views of the conflict before
>>> going and is one of the gentlest and most compassionate people I know. His
>>> experience and witness of Israeli laws and treatment of Palestinians, while
>>> attempting to be non-judgmental painted a very dark picture of Israeli
>>> behavior. If americans knew this story leavened with the same human
>>> sympathy with the lives of Palestinians as is extended to Israel, If the
>>> holocaust and accusations of anti-semitism were not thrown at anyone who
>>> sees disgraceful behavior in Israeli policies, it is very hard not to
>>> believe that we would be closer to peace and justice for all parties.
>>> I -
>>> Pynchon-l /
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