A Ranking of Pynchon's Novels

kelber at mindspring.com kelber at mindspring.com
Thu Jul 23 13:45:39 CDT 2015

I was too intimidated to read it for many years after I'd enjoyed V. and COL49. I finally got started by bringing it along when I was called in for jury duty. Nothing to do but read while languishing, uncalled, unwanted, in the jury selection pool.


-----Original Message-----

From: Bob Berg 

Sent: Jul 23, 2015 2:39 PM

To: kelber at mindspring.com, Monte Davis , Mark Kohut 

Cc: John Bailey , David Morris , Bruce Appelbaum 
, James Robertson , Conor McDade , Chris v , jochen stremmel , pynchon -l , Heikki R 

Subject: Re: A Ranking of Pynchon's Novels

    Thank you, Laura.  My first forays into GR and AtD were waylaid by
    life and other variables.  I interpret your enthusiasm as a gentle
    invitation to keep trying!  


    V. was more of a 'damn the torpedoes and keep reading' exercise for
    me (as was Ulysses, which took a total of more than a year to
    finish) than I would have liked it to be.  I have only vague and
    mist-laden recollections of Benny and the crew.  When I got bogged
    down in both GR and then AtD, the group read for M&D came along
    at a time when I could enjoy a second and much deeper read.  Thanks
    to all who helped me get so deeply into .





    On 7/23/15 12:30 PM,
      kelber at mindspring.com wrote:

      Lucky guy! You still have Gravity's Rainbow
        to look forward to!




            From: Bob Berg 

              Sent: Jul 23, 2015 12:46 PM

              To: Monte Davis , Mark Kohut 

                  Cc: John Bailey , David Morris ,
                      Bruce Appelbaum 
, James
                        Robertson , Conor
                          McDade , Chris v ,
                              jochen stremmel ,
                                pynchon -l ,
                                  Heikki R 

                                    Subject: Re: A Ranking of Pynchon's


                                       I am basically a
                                        lurker here, and haven't yet
                                        read all of the oeuvre. I am a
                                        Slow Reader.  I am thankful for
                                        the (hopefully only temporarily)
                                        aborted group read giving me the
                                        impetus to be well into a second
                                        reading of M&D.  I am
                                        offering this link as an
                                        indication to why I put M&D
                                        at the top of the list of TRP's
                                        novels that I have read.  







                                        my list so far...


                                        1.Mason & Dixon

                                        2.Inherent Vice




                                        6.Bleeding Edge


                                        ps.  I don't consider this a
                                        hierarchical list of quality at
                                        all... just sharing with you how
                                        much I enjoyed reading each one
                                        relative to the others.  And I
                                        enjoyed the last on my list (BE)
                                        much more than half of all other
                                        authors I've read.


                                          7/23/15 10:03 AM, Monte Davis

                                                Mason & Dixon
                                                Gravity's Rainbow
                                                Against the Day
                                                Crying of Lot 49 
                                                / 6. V. / Bleeding Edge
                                                Inherent Vice



                                                the weight and spread of
                                                history informing the
                                                "big" books is important
                                                to me. CoL49 is a gem
                                                (I've never agreed with
                                                Pynchon's deprecation in
                                                the Slow Learner intro),
                                                with substantial
                                                stretches of his
                                                best-worked surface, and
                                                lacks only that deep web
                                                of connections to tie
                                                with AtD or even be #3.
                                                I anticipate that I'll
                                                keep growing into
                                                Against the Day, based
                                                on how much more it gave
                                                me on rereading.
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