A Ranking of Pynchon's Novels

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 14:39:06 CDT 2015

I'm the phase space betwixt you two.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Mike Weaver <mike.weaver at zen.co.uk> wrote:
> All Heikki and I have in common is GR at the top and IV & BE at the bottom -
> and they aren't in the same order.
> That leaves only four possible differences, all involving one of BE & IV at
> the top and GR down at the bottom with the other one.
> Are we in an episode of The Outer Limits?
>> On 24/07/2015 17:27, Dave Monroe wrote:
>> I find it interesting that, I THINK (correct me if I'm wrong, Heikki),
>> Mike + Heikki's rnakings run closest (albeit w/ differences
>> nonetheless) to my own
>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 5:14 PM, Mike Weaver <mike.weaver at zen.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>> Quick break from Corbyn cheering.  You in the US have got Bernie Sanders,
>> we've got Jeremy Corbyn, interesting socialist activity going on. Our main
>> liberal paper, The Guardian has been headlining attack after attack for
>> the
>> last few days, it feels like civil war. But one side is using doom as
>> ammunition and the other using hope.
>> Meanwhile,  in another world
>> GR, because it told me it was okay to be an intellectual politico
>> dopefreak,
>> (and because of all the stuff everyone else has said). But it's the only
>> one
>> I've read many times. So the rest are less measured placings, more
>> indicative of my mood than anything
>> 1. GR
>> 2. CoL
>> 3. Vineland
>> 4. M&D
>> 5. V
>> 6. AtD
>> 7. IV
>> 8. BE
> -
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