GR translation: the highest peak of the white-sugar bandstand

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Nov 5 08:11:58 CST 2015

The Sprudelhof was a bathing spa, a complex of white Art-Nouveau style
buildings surrounding ornate "jewel" gardens. There isn't a bandstand, but "the
highest peak of the white-sugar bandstand" imagery brings to mind cake
frosting as well as snow-covered mountain tops.  These are conjured images
of lightness to "counteract Pan’s whisper inside the dark grove."

David Morris

On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Mike Jing < at>

> V656.28-657.1   Nor will she waste more than token glances now on the
> German lawns rushing so deeply away into green hazes or hills, the pale
> limbs of marble balusters beside sanitarium walks that curve restlessly, in
> a fever, a stifling, into thickets of penis-budded sprig and thorn so old,
> so without comfort that eyes are drawn, seized by the tear-glands and
> dragged to find, to find at all cost, the path that has disappeared so
> suddenly . . . or to look behind to hold on to some trace of the spa, a
> corner of the Sprudelhof, the highest peak of the white-sugar bandstand,
> something to counteract Pan’s whisper inside the dark grove Come in . . .
> forget them. Come in here . . . . No. Not Katje. She has been into the
> groves and thickets.
> What is a "white-sugar bandstand"?
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