Modiano's Place de L'etoile

rich richard.romeo at
Thu Oct 8 08:27:03 CDT 2015

That's exactly what I was thinking of: By Night in Chile and Nazi
Literature as well in fact. I'm beginning the Night Watch today, the second
novella in the trilogy. I'll followup with my impressions of those.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 5:03 PM, Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at
> wrote:

> Did you read Bolanos take on Michael Townley torturing people in the
> basement of his house while his wife, author Maria Callejas, was partying
> upstairs?
> 'Chilean writer Pia Barros, however, said that before one salon meeting
> she bumped into evidence that something more than short stories was being
> created at the Callejas mansion.
> Walking up to the house one night, Barros said, she mistakenly opened an
> outside door and found a hidden room filled with cots, laboratory equipment
> and camouflage fabric.
> "I went up to the salon and didn't say a word," Barros said. "We left
> after half an hour and we never went back. We also never told anybody what
> we had seen."
> Callejas' salon has lived on in Chilean literature. Chilean-born writer
> Roberto Bolano ended his celebrated novel "By Night in Chile" with an
> account of the salon and the story of Callejas and Townley.'
> This story is interesting on various levels. It also ties in with the
> endlessly fascinating Colonia Dignidad via the Sarin (see the entry on
> Eugenio BerrĂ­os on Wiki, which is worth a read all on its own).
> Let me also recommend Bolanos "Nazi Literature in the Americas".
> Apart from me responding to a stimulus (parapolitics/literature) -- thank
> you for your recommendation. I'll make sure to check out Modiano.
> Am 07.10.2015 um 16:16 schrieb rich:
>> making my way through PM's occupation trilogy. reading the
>> aforementioned leads me to believe that the nobel was highly deserved.
>> Roberto Bolano must have read this as the book's themes of many of his
>> works seem so similar--the barrage of artists, works, culture and
>> obsession with the many french collaborative paramilitary groups of the
>> right: the milice ,LVF, rue lauriston gang, etc.
>> good stuff
>> rich
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