Modiano's Place de L'etoile

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at
Thu Oct 8 19:09:36 CDT 2015

Here's another recommendation for Bolano's fantastic Borges-style (and very
successful IMO) literary experiment, Nazi Literature in the Americas.

If anybody would like a digital copy of it, simply contact me off-list and
I'll email it to you.


On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:27 AM, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:

> That's exactly what I was thinking of: By Night in Chile and Nazi
> Literature as well in fact. I'm beginning the Night Watch today, the second
> novella in the trilogy. I'll followup with my impressions of those.
> rich
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 5:03 PM, Thomas Eckhardt <
> thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:
>> Did you read Bolanos take on Michael Townley torturing people in the
>> basement of his house while his wife, author Maria Callejas, was partying
>> upstairs?
>> 'Chilean writer Pia Barros, however, said that before one salon meeting
>> she bumped into evidence that something more than short stories was being
>> created at the Callejas mansion.
>> Walking up to the house one night, Barros said, she mistakenly opened an
>> outside door and found a hidden room filled with cots, laboratory equipment
>> and camouflage fabric.
>> "I went up to the salon and didn't say a word," Barros said. "We left
>> after half an hour and we never went back. We also never told anybody what
>> we had seen."
>> Callejas' salon has lived on in Chilean literature. Chilean-born writer
>> Roberto Bolano ended his celebrated novel "By Night in Chile" with an
>> account of the salon and the story of Callejas and Townley.'
>> This story is interesting on various levels. It also ties in with the
>> endlessly fascinating Colonia Dignidad via the Sarin (see the entry on
>> Eugenio BerrĂ­os on Wiki, which is worth a read all on its own).
>> Let me also recommend Bolanos "Nazi Literature in the Americas".
>> Apart from me responding to a stimulus (parapolitics/literature) -- thank
>> you for your recommendation. I'll make sure to check out Modiano.
>> Am 07.10.2015 um 16:16 schrieb rich:
>>> making my way through PM's occupation trilogy. reading the
>>> aforementioned leads me to believe that the nobel was highly deserved.
>>> Roberto Bolano must have read this as the book's themes of many of his
>>> works seem so similar--the barrage of artists, works, culture and
>>> obsession with the many french collaborative paramilitary groups of the
>>> right: the milice ,LVF, rue lauriston gang, etc.
>>> good stuff
>>> rich
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