Re: GR translation: checking out tits ‘n’ asses, waistlines ‘n’ baskets

Mike Weaver mike.weaver at
Tue Oct 13 02:14:38 CDT 2015

possibly stomachs  = breadbaskets (look it up as slang)
waist lines and bellys - checking out how trim they are

On 13/10/2015 03:42, Mike Jing wrote:
> V653.4-14   But he gets no farther than Nürnberg, where his valise, 
> with Byron wrapped inside in an alb, is ripped off by a transsectite, 
> a Lutheran named Mausmacher who likes to dress up in Roman regalia. 
> This Mausmacher, not content with standing in front of his own mirror 
> making papal crosses, thinks it will be a really bizarre kick to go 
> out to the Zeppelin field to a Nazi torchlight rally in full drag, and 
> walk around blessing people at random. Green torches flaring, red 
> swastikas, twinkling brasses and Father Mausmacher, checking out tits 
> ‘n’ asses, waistlines ‘n’ baskets, humming a clerical little tune, 
> some Bach riff, smiling as he moves through the Sieg Heils and 
> choruses of “Die Fahne Hoch.”
> What is the basket in "waistlines ‘n’ baskets"?

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